【HR术语】什么是绩优加薪?(What is a merit increase?)
平均绩优加薪幅度约为个人当前工资的 3%。根据个人的绩效和对公司的价值,绩效加薪的幅度通常从绩效较低者的 1% 到绩效较高专业人员的 10% 不等。
虽然绩效加薪肯定不是留住人才的唯一方法,但它可以起到帮助作用。通过对表现出色的员工给予额外的奖励,公司表明了对他们及其贡献的重视。因此,绩效加薪是另一种表达 "谢谢你,我们感谢你的服务 "的方式。
不是每个人都是高绩效员工。此外,在数年或数十年内额外增加 3% 至 5% 的薪酬可能代价高昂。
假设您为一位目前年薪为 80,000 美元并按月领取工资的员工提供 3% 的绩效加薪。
当前工资 x 绩效加薪百分比 = 年加薪
80,000 x .03 = 每年加薪 2,400
82,400 / 12= 6,866.66 美元为确保绩优加薪幅度在预算和职位薪资范围之内,人力资源领导者可以与薪酬经理合作,建立一个绩优矩阵--一个易于阅读的网格,显示准确的计算结果和有竞争力的加薪幅度。
考虑其他决定性因素。因为绩优加薪并不是提高员工参与度和留任率的唯一因素,所以应首先考虑其他核心人力资源因素: 员工是否拥有舒适工作所需的条件?职位是否提供工作灵活性?公司文化是否包容并接受思想多样性?是否有适当的学习和发展机会?分析完其他核心因素后,您就可以确定绩优加薪。
确定哪些人员有资格获得绩优加薪。要确定哪些职位和人员对企业的成功至关重要,就要评估找人替代该人员或担任该职位的难度。该职位或人员对公司业务目标和战略的影响有多大?在评估员工的职业价值时,应依靠来自多个渠道的数据,如频繁的绩效考核、360 度审查和人才分析。
What is a merit increase?
A merit increase is a salary raise companies offer professionals for outstanding work achievements or performance. Depending on the industry and company, merit increases may be provided annually or based on the projects completed.
Merit increase vs. pay raise
Typically, companies offer pay raises annually or biannually for the entire workforce, department, or specific positions. Pay raises ensure that a company’s salaries are competitive and align with the cost of living. While it’s completely acceptable for people to ask for a raise if they think they’re underpaid, raises aren’t necessarily connected to performance.
Merit increases, on the other hand, are directly related to work performance. Businesses offer merit increases to highly valuable professionals in specific positions to reward, encourage, and show appreciation for productivity and accomplishments.
What is a standard merit increase?
The average merit increase stands at about 3 percent of a person’s current salary. Depending on the person’s performance and value to the company, merit increases typically range anywhere from 1 percent for lower performers to 10 percent for high-performance professionals.
Understanding how companies treat merit increases is important. Professionals should address this topic specifically during the interview process to properly gauge whether a company’s annual compensation policies match their expectations and needs.
Why do companies give merit increases?
Companies incorporate merit increases to recognize top performers’ achievements and dedication. Merit increases can also spur increased workplace productivity by igniting everyone’s drive to improve work quality. Ultimately, by providing an incentive to elevate work performance, the company can build a productive, goal-oriented work culture and increase its bottom line.
Why should HR leaders care about merit increases?
While merit increases definitely aren’t the only way to retain talent, they can help. By rewarding high-performers with extra compensation, the company demonstrates that it values them and their contributions. Thus, merit increases are another way to say “thank you, we appreciate your service.”
A well-designed and effective merit increase program that rewards deserving professionals can boost employee retention, productivity, and engagement.
Keeping high-quality employees engaged and motivated can minimize the number of new people a company must recruit and hire, thus reducing costs. Moreover, implementing a well-planned merit increase system can help retain stellar team members who significantly contribute to the company’s success.
Who should get a merit increase?
Merit increases aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay.
Not everyone is a high-performance worker. Furthermore, paying an extra 3-5 percent compensation increase over several years or decades can be costly.
That’s why merit increases are intended only for professionals with outstanding achievements who directly drive business goals.
Make sure you offer merit increases to people only after undergoing a process of establishing merit increase criteria, evaluating performance reviews, and having executives review each candidate.
How do you calculate a merit increase?
To understand how to calculate a merit increase, let’s take a look at an example.
Say you offer a 3 percent merit increase to someone who currently earns $80,000 annually and receives a monthly paycheck.
Current salary x merit increase percent = annual raise
80,000 x .03 = 2,400 annual raise
New salary/amount of paychecks per year = new monthly salary
82,400 / 12= $6,866.66To ensure that the merit increase is within budget and the position’s salary range, HR leaders can collaborate with compensation managers to build a merit matrix–an easy-to-read grid that displays accurate calculations and competitive salary increases.
What can HR leaders do to implement merit increases?
HR leaders can create a merit increase system that promotes employee engagement, retention, and productivity using these guidelines:
Look at other determining factors. Because merit increases aren’t the only components involved in driving engagement and retention, consider other central HR factors first: Do people have what they need to work comfortably? Does the position offer work flexibility? Is the company culture inclusive and accepting of thought diversity? Are there appropriate learning and development opportunities? Once you’ve analyzed the other core factors, you can home in on the merit increase.
Determine what qualifies people for a merit increase. To identify which positions and people are vital to business success, evaluate how difficult it is to find someone to replace that person or fill that role. How much does this position or person impact the company’s business goals and strategy? When assessing peoples’ professional worth, rely on data from several channels such as frequent performance reviews, 360-degree reviews, and talent analytics.
Define the criteria. Make sure the criteria are realistic. You want the requirements to spark hard work while still respecting work-life balance. The criteria ideally should stimulate motivation rather than disappointment and resentment.
Make the criteria accessible to everyone. Communicate the merit increase criteria by including it in the employee handbook and explaining it to managers. This way, professionals can understand which benchmarks they need to reach to qualify.
Offer frequent merit increases. HR leaders can provide merit increases throughout the year so that every time an employee reaches a set goal, HR can reward them for their performance with a competitive, budgeted merit increase that drives engagement and productivity.
Take a holistic approach. Relying on merit increases alone won’t create the desired results of increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. However, implementing merit increases into a company culture that respects and appreciates its people, offers competitive base salaries, and boasts managers who can coach and mentor their people is the foundation of business success.
Why should merit increases be part of modern HR strategy?
Merit increases are great tools HR professionals can use to boost retention and productivity. A company that recognizes and rewards peoples’ achievements and performances shows that it appreciates its people and their contributions. When incorporated into a comprehensive approach towards employee wellbeing, merit increases can help keep professionals enthusiastic and engaged.
【HR术语】什么是薪酬管理?(What is compensation management?)
存储所有有关薪酬、任期和绩效的最新数据,供所有利益相关者(人力资源、财务、C 级和管理人员)使用
What is compensation management?
Compensation management is the process of managing, analyzing, and determining the salary, incentives, and benefits each employee receives. Compensation management is a crucial part of any talent management and retention strategy. Creative compensation includes monetary and non-monetary benefits companies can employ to boost engagement and productivity, reduce attrition, and attract top talent.
Compensation managers aim to attract, retain, and engage employees by offering broad and competitive compensation plans within the company budget.
Compensation management ensures that people get paid a fair salary based on:
Work performance
Job market
Company budget
Why should HR leaders care about compensation management?
Effective compensation management benefits both the employer and the employee. Professionals who receive a fair base salary, generous benefits, and incentives in return for their work are much more likely to stay at their job and maintain a high performance level and morale.
Effective compensation management fuels employee engagement and thereby leads to company success.
What are the main types of compensation?
Compensation includes far more than just a base salary. The full compensation package includes a variety of compensation types, both direct and indirect.
The four types of direct compensation are:
Hourly pay
There is also indirect compensation, which includes anything that provides people value such as:
Retirement benefits
Insurance (medical, dental, life, etc.)
Paid time-off
Profit-sharing distributions and stock options
Tuition assistance and learning and development offerings
Childcare assistance
Gym memberships
Relocation expenses
Perks such as free food, an office gym, events, and so on
How is compensation determined?
Many factors go into determining the specific compensation package offered to any given person, including external factors relating to the company’s location and market as well as factors relating specifically to the role and the candidate in question. Some considerations that go into calculating compensation include:
What the company can afford to pay
Typical salary range for similar roles in the region
How much competitors are paying
The local cost of living
The role—if it is a highly-skilled job, it may require higher compensation
The candidate, their qualifications, and their compensation expectations
Whether or not it is appropriate to use incentive compensation management, which is a type of compensation usually used for sales roles in which the person’s compensation is tied to their performance outcomes
What can HR leaders do to ensure effective compensation management?
HR leaders can guide compensation management towards building and implementing successful compensation plans with these methods:
Develop and apply a compensation philosophy. A compensation philosophy formally documents the company policies regarding salaries, bonuses, and benefits. It also demonstrates a company’s commitment to transparency. Consistently adhering to a compensation philosophy demonstrates company integrity to employees and job candidates.
Explain the compensation plan. HR can clarify the components of the compensation plan to candidates and new joiners, helping to attract and retain top-notch talent.
Design a robust compensation strategy. HR leaders can collaborate with managers and specialists to offer all-inclusive compensation plans as well as generous benefits to improve their people’s quality of life.
Assess the results. It’s always helpful to learn from experience. HR leaders can analyze the results of compensation management to see what’s working and what isn’t through a compensation scorecard, which can improve the efficacy of compensation management.
Compensation management software
One tool that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years is compensation management software. This software is used to help HR professionals manage, calculate, and organize compensation data. Compensation management software has several features that can make it highly valuable to organizations looking to streamline and optimize their compensation management processes, including:
Storing all updated data on salary, tenure, and performance for all relevant stakeholders (HR, finance, C-levels, and managers) to access
Tools and data to improve salary decision-making
Tools for planning and managing salary reviews
Bonus and equity allocation
International currency management with localized currency views and local salary benchmarks
Compensation management point solutions vs HRIS
As you can see, compensation management software offers many helpful features, making it highly useful to professionals and teams involved in compensation decision-making and management. However, it qualifies as a point solution, meaning it’s a tool that can help with a single problem. This means that its utility is limited.
The alternative is a platform solution like an HRIS which offers multiple solutions for a variety of problems that an HR team deals with. Rather than only helping with compensation management, an HRIS can also help with things like performance management, payroll, time and attendance, and more.
Essentially, you can think of HRIS vs point solutions as a Swiss army knife vs a simple pair of tweezers. Both are useful, but one is able to offer more value than the other because of its multiple functions. So if your organization could use help with optimizing and automating processes across the entire employee lifecycle, an HRIS may be just the thing you’re looking for.
Why should compensation management planning be a part of modern HR strategy?
Compensation management ensures the financial success and wellbeing of employers and employees and makes both happy. Integrating compensation management into a company’s HR strategy helps organizations reward their people with market-range salaries, well-deserved bonuses, and incentives to improve their people’s lifestyles. It also allows employers to show their people that they appreciate them.
Appreciation goes a long way towards making people feel motivated and engaged. It can also inspire people to give back to their employer through increased productivity and high-quality work. All of this leads to a company culture made of happy and enthusiastic people.
【HR术语】什么是季节性就业?(What is seasonal employment?)
每周工作超过 40 小时的季节性员工有权获得正常工资 1.5 倍的加班费。
14 和 15 岁的儿童只能在允许的职业中从事有限的工作时间。16 岁和 17 岁的儿童不得从事劳工部长规定的危险职业。
What is seasonal employment?
Seasonal employment is a type of temporary employment in which the person works during certain times of the year. It is typically part-time, but there are also full-time, seasonal positions. Businesses that open only during certain parts of the year, like summer camps, hire seasonal employees. Other examples of companies that hire seasonal employees are those that need extra help during peak times, such as the holiday season.
How long is seasonal employment?
The exact length of time a seasonal job lasts depends on various factors, including the employer, the industry, the location, and the time of year. Jobs may range from a few weeks to multiple months. However, they will never include year-round positions.
How does seasonal employment benefit employers, and why should HR leaders care about it?
Seasonal employment has benefits for both employers and employees. Organizations with higher labor needs during part of the year can save costs by only having people on the payroll when they are needed.
How does seasonal employment benefit employees?
Seasonal employment is a good option for people struggling to find a full-time job or people who need a little extra income. It can also give workforce newcomers a way to get their foot in the door, gain experience, and prove themselves to an employer that might hire them permanently.
What can HR leaders do to manage seasonal employment?
Understanding the benefits of different employee types, including seasonal employees, can help HR leaders properly hire, manage, and compensate seasonal employees. As such, HR leaders should be familiar with the Fair Labor Standards Act’s guidelines about seasonal employees and relevant standards:
Companies must pay seasonal employees at least the federal minimum wage or the local minimum wage, whichever is higher.
Seasonal employees who work more than 40 hours a week are entitled to overtime pay at 1.5 times their regular pay.
Children ages 14 and 15 can only work limited hours in permitted occupations. 16- and 17-year-olds are not permitted to work in hazardous occupations as defined by the Secretary of Labor.
Seasonal employees are subject to the same tax withholding laws as other employee types.
Additionally, each organization’s seasonal employment policy and agreements should clearly communicate information such as:
Whether the seasonal worker is part-time or full-time
What benefits the seasonal worker is eligible for, if any
When seasonal employment ends
How can companies maintain their company culture with seasonal employees?
Even though seasonal employees may only work during specific times of the year, it’s important to let them know they’re just as much a part of the team as their full-time counterparts.
Building and maintaining good relationships with your seasonal employees is vital. It starts with giving them an excellent onboarding experience and all the benefits they’re entitled to–plus some extra perks to make them feel welcome, valued, and part of the larger team from their first day.
These positive experiences will motivate them to come back year after year and talk up your company, helping with future recruitment and company branding efforts.
Why should seasonal employment be a part of modern HR strategy?
The modern organization is flexible and understands that non-traditional work arrangements may sometimes be the best way to meet its needs. Modern HR professionals need to be open to hiring seasonal employees and other employee types to support business agility and meet companies’ evolving needs.
【HR术语】什么是员工价值主张(EVP)?(What is an employee value proposition (EVP)?)
员工价值主张,又称 EVP,是员工在工作场所的表现所换取的所有福利和奖励的总和。从本质上讲,它就是作为雇主,你能为员工的技能、经验和能力提供哪些回报。
薪酬: 这一要素包括薪资以及整个福利方案,包括保险、退休、奖金、学费报销、健康计划和任何其他福利。它还包括您按时支付薪酬、适当加薪以及公平补偿所有人的能力。
工作与生活的平衡: 这包括灵活的工作时间、在家办公、休假时间、PTO 政策和带薪育儿假。
稳定性: 这指的是贵组织确保员工了解其工作安全并帮助他们成长和发展的能力。这包括指导、辅导、培训、学习和发展。
地点: 这是关于您所提供的工作环境,既包括实际的、物理意义上的,也包括更形象的。
尊重: 这一要素指的是公司文化、组织价值观、管理、团队合作、信任等。
特别是,如果你从事的是竞争激烈的高科技行业或其他类似行业,你可以利用你的 EVP 来吸引科技人才。
联合利华: 正如联合利华欧洲区全球人才吸引和品牌主管 Anuradha Razdan 所说:"我们价值主张的核心是培养领导者。我们为联合利华培养领导人才,而联合利华的领导人才也会成为世界其他地方的领导人才。联合利华的价值主张非常注重稳定性,这对那些有兴趣在与鼓舞人心的员工一起工作的过程中不断成长,以改善人们生活为目标的求职者来说极具吸引力。
Trader Joe's:Trader Joe's是公认的最佳零售雇主之一,它的EVP强调学习和成长机会、公平的福利(如每年两次的审查,每年可能加薪7%到10%),以及灵活、多样化和善于沟通的企业文化,从而赢得了人们的忠诚。
贝恩公司: 这家咨询公司在 Glassdoor "最佳工作场所 "排行榜上名列第一,他们的 EVP 有几项令人难忘的福利,包括外部实习机会、全球调动、育儿假、请假、弹性工作时间以及两个月的休假机会。
您可以查看一些关键绩效指标来衡量您的 EVP 在帮助您吸引、聘用和留住人才方面的效果,其中包括:
Glassdoor 等网站上的排名和评分
现在您已经熟悉了什么是 EVP,下一步就是学习如何为您的组织制定 EVP。我们建议采取以下步骤:
进行审核: 审视您当前的品牌形象。您是如何与人才沟通并吸引人才的?你们的薪酬福利、企业文化或工作环境有什么特别之处?
征求反馈意见: 你能从在职和离职员工那里收集到一些最有价值的信息。利用调查、内部焦点小组和离职访谈来询问
确定包含在你的 EVP 中的关键点:利用你收集到的信息,列出你作为一个优秀雇主的与众不同之处。
起草你的 EVP:现在,你已经准备好撰写 EVP 了,重点是你能为理想候选人提供什么。目标是使用清晰、独特和鼓舞人心的语言。
评估您的 EVP:您的 EVP 不一定是一成不变的。利用我们上面提到的关键绩效指标,定期重新审视您的 EVP,看看是否可以加以改进。
为什么 EVP 应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分?
吸引、聘用和留住顶尖人才的能力是企业能否取得成功的关键。令人信服、独一无二的 EVP 是寻找和聘用最优秀人才的重要工具。
What is an employee value proposition (EVP)?
An employee value proposition, also called EVP, is the sum of all the benefits and rewards people receive in exchange for performance in the workplace. It’s essentially what you, as an employer, can offer in return for a person’s skills, experience, and abilities.
EVP is a major part of any employer brand, showing the unique value your organization can offer to potential team members.
What components make up an employee value proposition?
An EVP is made up of five elements, including:
Compensation: This element includes salary as well as the entirety of your benefits package, including insurance, retirement, bonuses, tuition reimbursement, wellness programs, and any other perks. It also includes your ability to offer pay on a timely schedule, give appropriate raises, and compensate all people fairly.
Work-life balance: This includes flexible hours, work from home, vacation time, PTO policy, and paid parental leave.
Stability: This refers to your organization’s ability to ensure people know their job is safe and to help them grow and develop. It includes things like mentoring, coaching, training, learning, and development.
Location: This is all about the work environment you offer, both in a literal, physical sense and a more figurative one.
Respect: This element refers to your company culture, your organization’s values, your management, teamwork, trust, and so on.
Why do you need an employee value proposition?
Your EVP ultimately defines how the talent you attract and hire perceives your brand. It can differentiate you from your competitors and help encourage people to choose to work for you instead of another company. In today’s competitive climate, this is essential because it is your talent that ultimately determines your organization’s ability to grow and succeed.
In particular, you can use your EVP to attract tech talent if you work in the notoriously competitive high-tech industry or others like it.
What are some examples of an employee value proposition?
To help you learn how to create a compelling employee value proposition, here are a few examples of companies who have theirs dialed in.
Unilever: As Anuradha Razdan, Unilever’s head of global talent attraction and brand, Europe, explains, “At the heart of our value proposition is that we build leaders. We develop leaders for Unilever, and Unilever leaders go on to be leaders elsewhere in the world.” This strong focus on the stability element of EVP is highly appealing to candidates interested in growing while working with inspiring people toward the goal of improving people’s lives.
Trader Joe’s: Widely recognized as one of the best retail employers, Trader Joe’s wins people’s loyalty with an EVP emphasizing learning and growth opportunities, fair benefits (such as their bi-annual reviews with potential for a seven to 10 percent pay increase each year), and a flexible, diverse, and communicative culture.
Bain & Company: Ranked first on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work list, this consulting company has several memorable perks in their EVP, including externship opportunities, global transfers, parental leave, leaves of absence, flextime, and an opportunity to take two months off.
How can you measure your employee value proposition?
There are a few KPIs you can look at to measure how effective your EVP is at helping you attract, hire, and retain talent, including:
Retention rate
Attrition rate
Cost per hire
Number of applicants
Employee net promoter score
Rankings and scores on websites such as Glassdoor
Employee referrals
How can you develop an employee value proposition?
Now that you’re familiar with what an EVP is, the next step is learning how to develop one for your organization. We recommend taking the following steps:
Perform an audit: Look at your current brand identity. How do you communicate with and try to attract talent? What’s special about your compensation package, culture, or work environment?
Ask for feedback: Some of the most valuable information you’ll be able to gather will be from current and former employees. Use surveys, internal focus groups, and exit interviews to ask:
What attracted your people to apply to work for you?
What made them choose you over other companies?
What do people love about working with you?
How could you improve what you offer people?
Define critical points to include in your EVP: Using the information you’ve gathered, make a list of the things that make you stand apart as a great employer.
Draft your EVP: Now you’re ready to write an EVP focusing on what you can offer your ideal candidate. Aim to use language that’s clear, unique, and inspirational.
Evaluate your EVP: Your EVP doesn’t have to be static. Use the KPIs we mentioned above to revisit your EVP regularly to see if you can improve it.
Why should EVP be a part of modern HR strategy?
Your ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent is key to your organization’s capacity to succeed. A compelling, unique EVP is a critical tool in the effort to find and employ the best people.
【HR术语】什么是工资总额?(What are gross wages?)
例如,雇主支付 60,000 美元+两次年度奖金 3,000 美元。年工资总额为 66,000 美元。
小时工资 x 工资期内的工作小时数 = 每工资期的工资总额
工资期内的加班小时数 x 加班小时工资 = 加班工资
年薪/每年发薪期数 = 每发薪期工资总额
What are gross wages?
Gross wages refer to the amount of money earned before taxes are withheld from a paycheck and are the monthly salary people agree to when accepting a job. On a pay stub, gross wages are at the bottom of the page—usually in a larger font.
What is included in gross wages?
Gross wages comprise everything an employee earns, including:
Salary or hourly wages
Commission or bonuses
Vacation or sick pay
Piece rate pay (per project or per unit)
Let’s say, for example, an employer pays $60,000 + two annual bonuses of $3,000. Annual gross wages will be $66,000.
How do you calculate gross wages?
For hourly workers:
hourly rate x the hours worked during the pay period = gross wages per pay period
If someone works overtime, include that as well:
Overtime hours worked during a pay period x the overtime hourly rate = overtime wages
To determine the gross wages for salaried employees:
Annual salary/number of pay periods per year = gross wages per pay period
What’s the difference between gross and net wages?
Gross wages are always higher than net wages.
In other words, the amount of money a person accepts as the job salary is more than the amount they take home. While gross wages comprise compensation before taxes, net wages are the amount remaining after taxes are withheld from the paycheck for
Federal, state, or local income tax
Social Security and Medicare
Wage garnishments
Health insurance plans
Retirement funds
Why should HR leaders care about gross wages?
As an HR professional, your primary objective is to manage people and address their needs. But, because compensation is fundamentally tied to work, it needs considerable attention.
Understanding gross wages and how they work enables you to practice better compensation management for attracting new people and engaging your current workforce.
What can HR leaders do to administer gross wages successfully?
Understand the company wage system. Even if you’re working with a legal team, you still need to know people’s salaries. This enables you to advocate for your company and your people.
Handle the human side of compensation. Gross wages often reflect —whether accurately or not—how much the employer values its people and how valued they feel. Consider the budget and employee engagement strategies when deciding on competitive gross wages for each position.
Encourage people to discuss their salaries. A learning culture can promote engagement, productivity, and retention. When professionals upskill and increase their value, they will naturally want higher wages. To encourage your people to feel comfortable discussing higher salary options, practice active listening, and nurture psychological safety.
Why should proper administration of gross wages be a part of modern HR strategy?
Paying people competitive gross salaries while complying with the law is a prerequisite for attracting quality, skilled professionals. Not only do attractive salaries build your reputation, but they also build a productive and engaged workforce.
【HR术语】什么是替代时间(What is time in lieu?)
所谓 "代替时间",也称 "代替休假 "或 "TOIL",是指个人以休假代替加班费。它是雇主可以提供的一种特殊福利,可以为员工创造更灵活的工作环境。
人力资源领导为什么要关注 "代休"?
提供 "以假代薪 "可为企业带来巨大利益。要使计划取得成功,必须考虑以下几点:
计算休假时间很简单。无论加班多少小时或多少天,都有权获得相应的补休时间。因此,如果一个星期工作 50 个小时,而不是合同规定的 40 个小时,他们就可以额外获得 10 个小时的休假时间。
如果您选择为员工提供 "代替休假",那么在您的员工协议中加入一项关于如何使用 "代替休假 "的政策是非常重要的。在该政策中,您可能需要包括以下指导原则:
团队成员可以累积多少 TOIL
员工何时可以使用 TOIL
TOIL 日的有效期有多长
当然,准确记录加班和请假时间非常重要。这可以通过标准 Excel 电子表格、考勤表或更简单的考勤跟踪软件来完成。
为什么应将 "时间替代 "作为现代人力资源战略的一部分?
在这个世界上,工作与生活的平衡就像薪水一样,是一个职位的重要吸引力所在,因此 "时间替代 "政策非常值得考虑。提供时间补偿可以帮助企业吸引更多求职者,改善员工体验,提高绩效,甚至降低成本。
What is time in lieu?
Time in lieu, also referred to as time off in lieu or TOIL, is when a person takes time off as an alternative to pay for overtime hours. It is a specific type of benefit employers can offer, creating a more flexible workforce.
Why should HR leaders care about time in lieu?
People often want time in lieu, which is why it’s worth considering as a way to attract job candidates. It’s also advantageous for the organization.
The benefits of a time off in lieu policy include:
Offering people more free time, something today’s professionals often value as much or more than additional compensation
Serving as a motivator that encourages people to work harder toward a tight deadline because they’ll receive time off afterward
Giving people more time to relax and unwind, reducing burnout and improving performance
Decreasing the amount of overtime the organization has to pay for
What can HR leaders do to manage time in lieu?
Offering time in lieu can significantly benefit the business. To make the program a success, it’s important to consider the following:
How to calculate time off in lieu
Calculating time off in lieu is simple. For any number of hours or days someone works overtime, they will be entitled to that amount of time off in lieu. So if they work 50 hours in a week instead of the 40 their contract stipulates, they would be granted an additional 10 hours of time off.
Time off in lieu agreements
If you choose to offer time off in lieu to your people, it’s important to include a policy for how it works in your employee agreement. In this policy, you may want to include guidelines for:
How much TOIL team members can accumulate
When people can take their TOIL
For how long TOIL days remain valid
Managing the time off in lieu process with time and attendance tracking software
Naturally, it’s important to accurately record both overtime and time taken in lieu. This can be done through standard Excel spreadsheets, timesheets, or–more easily–with time and attendance tracking software.
Attendance tracking software can automate all facets of time management, including time in lieu. Employees and managers will be able to input overtime hours, indicate that they will be compensated with time in lieu, and the hours will automatically be calculated and added to their available time off.
Why should time in lieu be a part of the modern HR strategy?
In a world where work-life balance is as significant a part of the appeal of a position as a salary, a time in lieu policy is well worth considering. Offering time in lieu can help businesses attract more candidates, improve the employee experience, boost performance, and even reduce costs.
【HR术语】什么是性别薪酬差距?(What is a gender pay gap?)
自 1963 年《同工同酬法》颁布以来,美国女性的收入已从男性每挣 1 美元时的 0.59 美元增至 0.82 美元。目前的数据显示,18-39 岁女性的工资差距很小,而 40 岁及以上女性的工资差距则有所扩大。
考虑相关因素。1963 年的《同工同酬法》规定,雇主不得基于性别对员工进行歧视。雇主必须根据 "需要同等技能、努力和责任,且在类似工作条件下完成的工作......",向男女员工支付同等报酬。
调查你的员工。通过调查确定薪酬差距存在的原因。女性是否从事收入较低的工作,如果是,原因是什么?女性是否喜欢较少的工作时间或偏爱某些职位?或者,您是否可以帮助她们从事高薪工作?或许,L&D 计划可以为她们提供提升技能和获得高薪职位的机会。
What is a gender pay gap?
A gender pay gap is a difference in pay between men’s and women’s average salaries.
To calculate the pay gap, take a group of men’s wages and a group of women’s wages, and compare the median of each.
Since the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women’s earnings in the US have increased from $0.59 for every $1.00 a man earns to $0.82. Current data shows that the wage gap is minimal between ages 18-39, while it widens for women 40 and older.
Why should HR leaders care about the gender pay gap?
Paying people fairly is part of treating them ethically. Equal compensation opportunities can also attract talented professionals and keep them engaged. Moreover, paying men and women according to the same criteria shows transparency and contributes to a positive brand reputation.
Because the data from the gender pay gap formula can be limited, HR leaders must dig deep to determine if and why there’s a gender pay gap.
What can HR leaders do to reduce the gender pay gap?
To reduce a potential gender wage gap in your company:
Consider relevant factors. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 states that employers must not discriminate between employees based on sex. Employers must pay members of both sexes equally based on the “performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions …”
Offer parental leave for both parents. Generally, women take more time off than men following birth or adoption to recover and bond with the child. However, by providing equal opportunities for men and women to take leave, women can choose how to balance their careers with family life.
Create transparent policies. Merit-based raises and promotions support transparency. Evaluate people’s accomplishments, contributions, and dedication to encourage unbiased treatment.
Run an internal audit. Analyze payroll to check if a gender pay gap exists. If it does, consider if there are any crucial factors involved. What’s the position? Are the employees working full-time or part-time? How long have they been at the company?
Survey your people. Determine why the pay gap exists through a survey. Are women working in lower-paying jobs, and if so, why? Do women prefer fewer hours or gravitate towards certain positions? Or is there something you can do to help them pursue higher-paying jobs? Perhaps an L&D program can give them the opportunity to upskill and land higher-paying positions.
Why should eliminating the gender pay gap be a part of modern HR strategy?
Ethical practices and a positive company brand are essential in today’s competitive, internet-based business world. People are attracted to working at organizations with good reputations among employees and customers. Transparent compensation practices reflect an HR strategy that encourages everyone to excel because of their talents, skills, drive, and dedication, not because of their gender.
【HR术语】什么是人才招聘专家?(What is a talent acquisition specialist?)
在 LinkedIn 和其他网站上寻找潜在员工
What is a talent acquisition specialist?
A talent acquisition specialist is an HR professional who specializes in finding the right people to fill open roles, especially those that require specialized skill sets. Talent acquisition specialists often work in fast-moving industries that compete for highly-skilled talent.
What does a talent acquisition specialist do?
They’re involved at every step of the hiring process, including:
Posting on job boards
Sourcing potential employees on LinkedIn and other sites
Developing applicant screening processes
Reviewing resumes and applications
Selecting interviewees
Conducting interviews
Making recommendations for whom to hire
Handling onboarding
What is the difference between a talent acquisition specialist and a recruiter?
The above job description may sound pretty similar to that of a recruiter, which may lead you to wonder what the difference between these two roles is.
Recruiters are focused on the short-term process of identifying and screening suitable candidates for a specific position.
Talent acquisition is more focused on ongoing strategy and planning ahead to ensure that open positions are filled and that new hires are set up for long-term success and growth in the organization. Additionally, talent acquisition specialists often focus on hiring highly-skilled people such as specialists, leaders, and future executives.
Why should HR leaders care about talent acquisition specialists?
A good talent acquisition specialist can be an invaluable addition to the modern HR team. In a highly competitive market where employers struggle to fill vacancies with high-quality talent, qualified and experienced talent acquisition specialists are often necessary to take the stress of hiring off the rest of the HR team.
Although companies in competitive industries like tech and health care typically require talent acquisition specialists, TA specialists can help organizations of all sizes in any field. They can help you hire people with the right skills and experience who are a fit for your company culture and help you meet hiring goals like having a diverse workforce.
What can HR leaders do to hire qualified talent acquisition specialists?
A talent acquisition specialist can significantly influence your organization’s future. To find the right talent acquisition specialists and set them up for success, it is recommended to look for candidates with the following qualifications:
At least five years of industry experience in HR and/or recruiting
A degree in HR and/or a professional HR certification
Up-to-date knowledge of current employment law
Experience with applicant tracking systems and HRIS
Strategic thinking and the ability to look ahead and plan a person’s career trajectory; this also helps fill future vacancies
Understanding of company brand identity
Why should talent acquisition specialists be a part of the modern HR strategy?
If you’ve ever struggled to find the right people to fill critical open positions with a significant influence on your organization’s success, you already know why a talent acquisition specialist role is essential. Bringing on capable talent acquisition specialists can help you meet hiring goals, introduce highly-skilled candidates for open positions, and set up your organization for long-term success
【HR术语】什么是临时员工?(What are temporary employees?)
指定专业人员管理失业申请。 了解哪些团队成员负责管理失业申请。此外,如果贵公司雇用了临时工中介,则应确定是由临时工中介管理申请,还是由贵公司负责申请。
What are temporary employees?
Temporary employees are people a company hires for a limited period of time or to complete a particular project. Companies can hire temporary employees directly or through a temp agency.
While temp employees aren’t eligible for health-care benefits, paid time off, or retirement funds, they can qualify for unemployment. Their eligibility depends on various components, such as the length of their previous employment, their previous salary, and the reason for unemployment.
Why should HR leaders care about hiring temporary employees?
Hiring temporary employees enables companies to maintain a thriving workforce. Depending on the industry, HR leaders may need temp employees for different reasons, such as:
Beefing up the staff during peak seasons
Replacing a permanent team member on maternity leave or disability leave
Carrying out a time-consuming or skill-specific project
Temporary employees also contribute to greater agility–permanent employees can take extended time off when necessary, and the business can maintain productivity.
Moreover, temporary employment is like a dating period, during which the employer and employee can become acquainted without commitment. If the company is satisfied with the temp employee’s work performance, it might extend an offer for permanent employment.
What can HR leaders do to manage temporary employees successfully?
To effectively incorporate temporary employees, HR leaders can integrate these tips:
Get back to basics. Temp employees need the appropriate hard and soft skills to hit the ground running. When sourcing temp employees, keep an eye out for experienced, confident, resourceful individuals with good communication skills. Also, ensure that you know the current job requirements and that the job description is accurate.
Outline the job parameters. Have temp employees sign a contract that explains the length of employment, the salary, and the protocol for time off–if the temp employment is long-term. Explain the agreement to new hires to support compliance and a smooth employment period.
Appoint a professional to manage unemployment claims. Know which team members manage unemployment claims. Moreover, if your company hired a temp agency, determine if just the temp agency is managing the claims or if your company is also responsible for the claims.
Include a confidentiality agreement. Temp employees may not feel loyal to the company, so it’s crucial to have them sign a confidentiality agreement to protect sensitive company information.
Do your background checks. Collaborate with the legal team to run a transparent and legal background check that’s appropriate for the position and the industry. Create a background check policy to ensure that candidates have a clear record, won’t disclose confidential information, or endanger their co-workers with dangerous behavior.
Why should integrating temporary employees be a part of modern HR strategy?
Strategically hiring temp employees can keep the business running smoothly. Whether you’re short on staff because of workload fluctuations or team members being on extended leave, temp employees allow you to manage people’s workloads, support employee wellbeing, and preserve a healthy company culture.
【HR术语】什么是回旋员工?(What is a boomerang employee?)
回旋镖员工是指离开公司后又被重新雇用,在相同或不同岗位上工作的专业人员。回旋镖员工的工作轨迹就像回旋镖的名字所代表的 V 形投掷棒一样。
人力资源领导者为什么要关注 "回旋员工"?
与上一代专业人士相比,千禧一代倾向于更换工作--60% 的人表示 "愿意接受不同的工作机会"。在过去的几十年里,重新接受前员工被视为禁忌。但在当前的就业文化中,"回流员工 "已被接受,甚至对雇主有利。
如何最有效地处理 "回迁员工"?
选择与 "回迁员工 "共事,就必须了解如何在整个员工生命周期内处理他们。在招聘、面试和入职时,以下是一些需要考虑的重要提示。
了解哪些人适合成为 "回流员工"。并不是所有以前的员工都适合重新雇佣。在招聘 "回流员工 "时,应选择那些以良好的条件离开组织的员工,如出于个人原因或为了获得更多的工作经验。
人力资源领导者如何促进 "回旋员工 "的成功融入?
优雅告别。人力资源领导者可以实施离职计划,鼓励员工与雇主之间进行换位思考和坦诚交流。将离职面谈作为离职流程的一部分,可以让员工就需要改进的地方提供反馈意见。这不仅能让留下的员工更好地为公司服务,最终也能让未来潜在的 "回旋镖 "员工更好地为公司服务。
注重质量。 人力资源领导者只应设法重新聘用那些离开时条件良好的绩优员工,以便他们能够无缝地重新融入公司文化。同样重要的是,人力资源领导者应平等地考虑回流员工和新候选人--回流员工熟悉公司并不一定意味着他们就是最佳人选。
What is a boomerang employee?
A boomerang employee is a professional who leaves a company and is rehired at a later point to work in the same position or a different one. Boomerang employees follow a circular trajectory like the v-shaped throwing stick they are named after.
The main reasons professionals leave a current position are to:
Further their career at another company
Pursue a passion
Cope with significant life changes
Work seasonally (especially common in the hospitality and retail industries)
Why should HR leaders care about boomerang employees?
Millennials tend to change jobs more than professionals from earlier generations—60 percent report being “open to a different job opportunity.” In past decades, reaccepting an ex-employee was considered taboo. But in the current job culture, boomerang workers have become acceptable and even beneficial to employers.
The advantages of hiring boomerang employees are:
Familiarity with the company culture and the position
New skills from external job experience
Reduced onboarding time and training costs
Increased motivation and a new perspective
What are the pros and cons of boomerang employees?
As mentioned above, one of the most important pros of rehiring former employees is their ability to offer familiarity with your organization along with new experience and skills.
However, there are still possible cons to hiring boomerang employees, including:
Their potential to bring a sense of bitterness or bad blood into the workplace if they left on less-than-ideal terms
If policies or company culture have changed, boomerang workers may have difficulty acclimating to the changes
Even with experience, boomerang employees may not be the best candidate for the role
What is the most effective way to handle boomerang employees?
The choice to work with boomerang employees requires an understanding of how to handle them throughout the employee lifecycle. When it comes to recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding, here are some important tips to consider.
Know who makes a good boomerang employee. Not all previous employees are fit for rehire. When recruiting boomerang workers, aim to choose those who left the organization on good terms, such as for personal reasons or to gain more experience in the field.
Clear the air. In the interview process, it’s important to understand why a person left and whether or not they took any unresolved issues with them. It is important to address and clear up any issues for future success in the organization.
Leave the door open. Make sure that previous employees know they are welcome to interview again by maintaining relationships with previous talent.
Focus on reintegration. Onboarding a former employee is as important as onboarding a new one. Don’t skimp out on the process of integrating a boomerang employee into what is certain to be a changed team and company.
What are some recommended interview questions for boomerang employees?
Naturally, interviews for boomerang employees are different than those you would have with brand-new candidates. Here are some interview questions you can use to understand whether a former team member might be a good fit for rehiring.
Why did you previously leave the company?
Where have you been working since you left the company?
How have your skills improved since leaving?
In what way will the work experience you’ve had since leaving the company help you if you return to work here?
Are there any unresolved issues with your former co-workers or manager?
What makes you want to rejoin the company at this time?
What can HR leaders do to promote the successful integration of boomerang employees?
HR leaders can use these practices to encourage acceptance and smooth incorporation of top-performing boomerang workers:
Say a graceful goodbye. HR leaders can implement an offboarding program that encourages empathetic and honest communication between people and employers. Including an exit interview as part of the offboarding process allows people to provide feedback on areas in need of improvement. This can better the company for the remaining people and, ultimately, for potential future boomerang employees.
Keep track of employee records. Organizing relevant employee information into an applicant tracking system can simplify the recruiting and hiring process. HR professionals can check past performance reviews and reports of employee synergy with team members. A boomerang employee can also qualify to receive sick days, vacation days, and tenure from the previous employment period that transfer to their new position.
Build an alumni group. With former employees’ permission, HR professionals can facilitate an alumni group through social media or an email newsletter. This maintains the relationship and keeps them informed of changes within the company. Keeping in touch leaves the door open to alumni if they’d ever like to reapply or if the employer decides to extend a job offer.
Have empathy for departing team members. HR leaders can protect relationships with departing team members by supporting them during the exit stage. It’s good practice to provide people you’ve let go with outplacement services and, if possible, a severance package. Departing employees serve as brand ambassadors by default, so treating them kindly and respectfully is not only the right thing to do, but it can also benefit the company.
Create a positive company culture. HR professionals can build a positive company culture that encourages collaboration, interpersonal relationships, and gratitude among people and managers. A friendly and supportive work community can attract more top-performing people back.
Focus on quality. HR leaders should only seek to rehire top-performing people who left on good terms, so they can seamlessly reintegrate into the company culture. It’s also essential that HR leaders consider boomerang employees and new candidates equally –just because a boomerang employee is familiar with the company doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best candidate for the job.
How can boomerang employees improve company culture?
High-performing boomerang employees can bring beneficial skills, experience, and enthusiasm to an organization. Their return can boost morale and create a shared sense of purpose in the workplace, proving that your company is such a great place to work that people want to come back even after departing.