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    【HR术语】什么是软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理?(What are soft HRM and hard HRM?) 什么是软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理? 软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理是人力资源管理的两种不同方法。人力资源管理(HRM)是获取、雇用、培训、吸引和留住人员的战略方法。 让我们看看这个表格,以便更好地理解软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理之间的区别: 软性人力资源管理强调专业人员是具有内在抱负和情感的个体,而硬性人力资源管理则将人视为商品,其存在是为了帮助公司实现业务目标。 软性和硬性人力资源管理的例子有哪些? 软性人力资源管理侧重于人力资源的人性化一面。这种方法优先考虑人们发挥自身潜能和找到工作意义的需求。软性人力资源管理包括以下做法: 双向沟通 业务透明 提高工资 投资于员工福利 培训和职业发展计划 民主的管理风格 相比之下,硬性人力资源管理更注重任务,而不是以人为本。它不承认个人的自我实现需求。因此,它通常包括: 管理层与专业人员之间的单向沟通 无法激励或提供建设性反馈的绩效考核 最低工资 人员流动率高 等级森严的领导体制 人力资源领导为什么要关注软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理? 人力资源领导者可以评估软性人力资源管理方法和硬性人力资源管理方法,以确定两种方法的哪些方面符合公司的需求。千禧一代通常倾向于那些体现软性人力资源管理的组织,而硬性人力资源管理的元素可能是公司实现利润和生产力目标所必需的。因此,必须考虑哪些具体做法对每个组织都切实有效。 例如,一家历史悠久的软件公司可能希望通过软性人力资源管理方法提高员工的参与度和留任率。新成立的服务业小企业可能主要采用硬性人力资源管理方法,以确保生产率和利润。 人力资源领导者如何才能将软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理纳入自己的战略? 行业、业务目标和公司价值观决定了组织如何使人力资源管理符合自身需求。人力资源领导者可以结合这些实践,从软性和硬性人力资源管理中获益: 确定方向。 人力资源管理战略可以在不断变化的就业市场中起到锚定作用。使人力资源管理战略与业务战略保持一致,有助于人力资源领导者确定实施哪些软硬人力资源管理实践。此外,核对表还能帮助人力资源领导者确定人力资源工作的方向。 始终考虑预算。无论人力资源领导者采取什么方法,都必须以预算为基础。归根结底,公司必须获得高投资回报率(ROI),这样所选择的人力资源管理方法才值得。 考虑行业。每个行业都不尽相同。例如,软性人力资源管理在高科技行业如火如荼,但在制造业,这种以人为本的方法却没有那么快流行起来。人力资源领导者可以从竞争企业和当前趋势中寻找答案:求职者和专业人士对雇主和职位的期望是什么?通常情况下,软硬结合的人力资源管理可以吸引潜在的新员工,提高留用率,帮助实现业务目标。 软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理如何改善企业文化? 软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理是两个截然不同的领域。只实施其中一种方法可能并不现实。人们希望雇主把他们当人看,而不是机器人,但公司必须专注于实现业务成功。然而,量身定制一种方法,将软性和硬性人力资源管理的有益成分结合起来,可以帮助公司培养一种重视个人成功、同时也重视公司成功的文化。 以下位文章原文: What are soft HRM and hard HRM? Soft and hard HRM are two different approaches to Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic approach toward acquiring, hiring, training, engaging, and retaining personnel. Let’s take a look at this table to understand the differences between soft and hard HRM better: While soft HRM emphasizes that professionals are individuals with inherent ambitions and emotions, hard HRM treats people as commodities that exist to help the company meet business goals. What are some examples of soft and hard HRM? Soft HRM focuses on the human side of HR. This method prioritizes people’s need to actualize their potential and find meaning in their jobs. Soft HRM includes practices such as: Two-way communication Business transparency Higher wages Investing in employee wellbeing Training and career development programs A democratic management style Hard HRM, in contrast, is more task-focused than people-focused. It doesn’t recognize individuals’ needs for self-actualization. Thus, it often encompasses: One-way communication between management and professionals Performance reviews that fail to motivate or provide constructive feedback Minimum wages High turnover Hierarchical leadership system Why should HR leaders care about soft HRM and hard HRM? HR leaders can evaluate soft and hard HRM methods to determine which aspects of each fit the company’s needs. While Millennials often gravitate to organizations that embody soft HRM, elements of hard HRM may be necessary for companies to reach profit and productivity goals. Thus, it’s essential to consider which specific practices work pragmatically for each organization. For example, a well-established software company may want to improve engagement and retention with soft HRM methods. New small businesses in the service industry may implement primarily hard HRM practices to ensure productivity and profit. What can HR leaders do to incorporate soft HRM and hard HRM into their strategy? Industry, business goals, and company values determine how an organization fits HRM to its needs. HR leaders can incorporate these practices to reap the benefits from both soft and hard HRM: Set the direction. An HRM strategy can serve as an anchor within a shifting job market. Aligning the HRM strategy with the business strategy can help HR leaders determine which hard or soft HRM practices to implement. Also, a checklist can help HR leaders decide in which direction to navigate the HR ship. Always consider the budget. Whatever approach HR leaders take, it must be budget-based. Ultimately, the company has to have a high return on investment (ROI) to make the chosen HRM method worth it. Consider the industry. Each industry is different. For example, while soft HRM has spread like wildfire in the high-tech industry, this people-oriented approach has not taken hold as quickly in the manufacturing industry. HR leaders can look to competing businesses and current trends and ask: What are applicants and professionals expecting from their employer and position? Usually, integrating a combination of soft and hard HRM can entice potential new hires, boost retention, and help achieve business objectives. How can soft HRM and hard HRM improve company culture? Soft and hard HRM represent two opposite ends of the spectrum. Implementing just one of these methods may not be realistic. People want their employers to treat them as humans, not robots, but companies must focus on achieving business success. However, tailoring an approach that integrates the beneficial components of both soft and hard HRM could help companies nurture a culture that values individuals’ successes alongside the company’s success.
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    【HR术语】薪酬管理的目标是什么?(What are the objectives of compensation management?) 薪酬管理的目标是什么? 薪酬管理的目标是通过与公司预算、相应的就业市场和政府法规保持一致的有竞争力的薪酬计划,吸引、聘用和留住顶尖人才。 良好的薪酬管理应该: 吸引和招聘人才 激励员工 保持士气 遵守政府法规和公司薪酬理念 反映当前的就业市场 薪酬管理可以通过提供以下服务来实现其目标: 有吸引力的薪酬 有用的福利 奖金、奖励和改善员工福利的计划 退休储蓄 保险 人力资源领导为什么要关注薪酬管理的目标? 人力资源领导者在制定符合员工需求和愿望、与公司愿景相一致的薪酬计划方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。保持良好的薪酬可以提高以下方面: 参与度 留住员工 生产力 公司提供有竞争力且能提高生活质量的薪酬,可以提高员工的工作积极性,改善工作绩效,最终使公司取得更大的成功。 实现薪酬管理目标的技巧 人力资源部门的领导者可以与管理人员合作,针对员工的需求和多变的就业市场,制定一个包容性的薪酬计划,从而支持有效的薪酬方案。 制定并应用薪酬理念。薪酬理念正式记录了公司为员工提供工资、奖金和福利的理由。始终坚持薪酬理念,可以向现有团队成员和求职者展示公司的诚信和透明度。 收集员工反馈。员工可以就薪酬计划提供最准确的反馈。人力资源领导者可以进行匿名调查,让员工反映他们的真实意见和建议。在进行调查之前,人力资源领导者可以向员工解释为什么要进行调查,员工的意见和经验是非常宝贵的,而且他们的工作满意度也很重要。 落实员工反馈。人力资源领导者和薪酬经理可以根据员工的反馈意见实施变革。虽然在制定薪酬计划时需要考虑很多方面,但调整薪酬计划以满足员工的财务和生活需求,可以提高员工的留任率和参与度。 解释薪酬计划。您的员工可能会获得有竞争力的薪酬方案,但却不知道如何获得他们的福利。人力资源领导可以与管理人员一起审查薪酬计划,让管理人员向其团队成员说明这些计划。这有助于团队成员了解薪酬方案的方方面面,并从中受益。 提供提高生活质量的薪酬。除基本工资外,薪酬还可包括提高生活质量的福利,如股票和期权计划、舒适的工作环境、工作时间和地点的灵活性、工作场所健康计划、额外假期或每日新鲜餐饮。 有哪些薪酬目标的例子? 薪酬有两种类型,反映了吸引、聘用和留住优秀专业人才的各种福利和激励措施: 直接薪酬 间接薪酬 直接薪酬指员工获得的任何有形货币价值的福利。这包括定期发放的工资,如薪金、工资、奖金和佣金、医疗福利、节假日工资和交通费。 间接补偿是指不具有物质价值的任何福利。这包括从法律要求的保护计划和保险到职业发展、晋升机会和退休计划等任何方面。 最近几年,越来越多的组织采用每周四天工作制,在不减少工资的情况下减少工作时间。这是间接补偿的一个例子,即在相互信任的前提下,赋予员工对工作环境更多的自主权。 实现薪酬管理目标面临哪些挑战? 即使有最好的意图和合理的分析,薪酬管理目标所面临的挑战也会促使薪酬战略做出额外的调整。 当前的工资水平。经济环境和人口结构会影响组织的薪酬目标。外部市场压力会抬高某些职位的薪酬,超过其相对价值。 工会。部分员工可以通过工会等代表组织表达自己的利益。因此,工会应成为薪酬管理目标的一部分。 政府制约。政府根据最低工资、加班费、同工同酬、童工和记录保存等要求对薪酬进行管理,而不论工作价值如何。雇主还有义务支付 “同工同酬”,这是一项薪酬均等倡议,旨在消除历史上的收入差距,如男女之间或少数民族之间的收入差距。 战略和政策。薪酬受制于组织人事和薪酬战略与政策的不断变化。通常情况下,组织可能会让未加入工会的员工获得与加入工会的员工相同的加薪,以阻止更多员工加入工会。 国际薪酬挑战。国际薪酬是一项独特的挑战,因为外国子公司必须考虑当地的环境和文化。 生产率和成本。雇主总是将利润放在首位。企业的生存取决于此。从这个意义上说,薪酬必须是对等的: 企业支付给员工的薪酬不能超过他们对企业的价值。 国际薪酬的目标是什么? 国际薪酬旨在吸引有意愿(和能力)参与国际任务的专业人员。对于希望留住顶尖人才的跨国公司来说,有竞争力的薪酬计划至关重要。 好的国际薪酬应该: 吸引有才干、有资质的专业人员愿意承担国际异地工作 为外派员工的流动提供便利 在国内员工和国外子公司的薪酬之间保持一致和合理的关系 通过减少不必要的开支保持成本效益 人力资源管理技术如何帮助实现薪酬目标? 人力资源管理技术可以支持薪酬战略,帮助人力资源领导者将公司的财务运营与总体人员和业务目标结合起来,以确保可持续的成功。 人力资源管理技术通过以下方式实现薪酬目标: 协助人才招聘和流动、绩效管理、公平和考勤 使关键信息更易于获取且更加透明 以更高的通用性和效率超越人工流程,例如将数据手动输入电子表格 提供重要资源,确保在危机发生时有效补救 将人力资源团队从 “纸上谈兵 ”转变为战略业务领导者,为人事决策提供宝贵意见 实现薪酬管理目标如何改善公司文化? 通过全面的薪酬计划吸引、留住和吸引员工,是建设繁荣的企业文化不可或缺的一部分。薪酬方案既能提供市场范围内的薪资,又能解决员工的福利问题,这表明了公司对员工的重视程度。获得这种全包式薪酬的专业人员必然会为公司文化贡献积极的能量和良好的态度。 以下为文章原文: What are the objectives of compensation management? The objectives of compensation management are to attract, engage, and retain top talent through competitive compensation plans that align with the company budget, corresponding job market, and government regulations. Good compensation management should: Attract and recruit talent Motivate your people Maintain morale Adhere to government regulations and company compensation philosophy Reflect the current job-market Compensation management can achieve its objectives by offering: Attractive salaries Useful benefits Bonuses, incentives, and programs to improve employee wellbeing Retirement savings Insurance Why should HR leaders care about the objectives of compensation management? HR leaders play a pivotal role in building compensation plans that fit employees’ needs and desires and align with the company’s vision. Maintaining excellent compensation can lead to an increase in: Engagement Retention Productivity Companies that offer competitive and life-enhancing compensation can raise motivation in the workplace and improve work performance, which ultimately leads to greater company success. Tips for achieving your compensation management objectives HR leaders can support effective compensation packages by collaborating with managers to build an inclusive compensation program that addresses their people’s needs and the fluid job-market. Develop and apply a compensation philosophy. A compensation philosophy formally documents the company’s reasoning behind people’s salaries, bonuses, and benefits. Consistently adhering to the compensation philosophy demonstrates company integrity and transparency to current team members and job candidates. Gather employee feedback. Your people can provide the most accurate feedback regarding compensation plans. HR leaders can conduct anonymous surveys, allowing people to relay their honest opinions and suggestions. Before conducting the survey, HR leaders can explain why they will run it, that people’s opinions and experiences are invaluable, and that their job satisfaction matters. Follow through on employee feedback. HR leaders and compensation managers can implement changes based on employee feedback. While there are numerous aspects to consider when building compensation plans, adjusting compensation plans to address people’s financial and lifestyle needs can lead to greater retention and engagement. Explain the compensation plan. Your people may receive competitive compensation packages but aren’t aware of how to access their benefits. HR leaders can review compensation plans with managers, who can clarify the plans to their team members. This helps team members appreciate and benefit from every aspect of the compensation package. Offer compensation to improve quality of life. In addition to base pay, compensation can include life-enhancing benefits, such as a shares and options plan, a pleasant work setting, flexibility in where and when they work, a workplace wellness program, extra vacation days, or daily fresh catering. What are some examples of compensation objectives? There are two types of compensation, reflecting a broad spectrum of benefits and incentives to attract, engage, and retain talented professionals: Direct compensation Indirect compensation Direct compensation describes any benefit an employee may receive with a tangible monetary value. This includes regularly distributed pay such as salaries, wages, bonuses and commissions, medical benefits, holiday pay, and conveyance. Indirect compensation refers to any benefit that does not hold a material value. This can include anything from legally required protection programs and insurance to career development, advancement opportunities, and retirement programs. The last couple of years have seen organizations increasingly adopt the four-day work week, reducing working hours without cutting pay. This is an example of indirect compensation, whereby people are given increased autonomy over their work environment in a demonstration of mutual trust. What are some challenges to meeting compensation management objectives? Even with the best intentions—and rational analyses—challenges to compensation management objectives can prompt additional adjustments to a compensation strategy. Current wage rates. Economic climate and demography influence an organization’s compensation objectives. External market pressures can inflate the pay for some jobs, exceeding their relative worth. Unions. Part of the workforce may convey their interests through representative organizations like unions. As such, unions should feature in the objectives of compensation administration. Government constraints. The government regulates pay—regardless of job worth—in accordance with minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, child labor, and record-keeping requirements. Employers are also obliged to pay “equal wages for comparable work,” a pay-parity initiative created to eradicate historical income disparities such as those between men and women or minorities. Strategy and policy. Compensation is subject to the changing landscape of an organization’s people and compensation strategies and policies. Commonly, an organization may award people not affiliated with a union the same raise as unionized employees to deter additional unionization. International compensation challenges. International compensation presents a unique challenge as foreign subsidiaries must be mindful of local context and culture. Productivity and costs. Employers will always prioritize profit. The survival of their business depends on it. In this sense, compensation must be reciprocal: An organization can’t pay people more than their value to the firm. What are the objectives of international compensation? International compensation aims to attract professionals with the desire (and ability) to engage in international assignments. A competitive compensation plan is vital for multi-national companies that wish to retain top talent. Good international compensation should: Attract talented, qualified professionals willing to commit to international relocation Facilitate the movement of expatriate employees Manage a consistent and reasonable relationship between the pay of domestic employees and foreign subsidiaries Remain cost-effective through the reduction of unnecessary expenses How can HRM tech help fulfill compensation objectives? HRM tech can support compensation strategies by helping HR leaders align the company’s financial operations with their overall people and business goals to ensure sustainable success. HRM tech fulfills the objectives of compensation by: Assisting with talent acquisition and turnover, performance management, equity, and attendance Making critical information more accessible and transparent Outperforming manual processes—like manually inputting data into spreadsheets—with better versatility and efficiency Providing vital resources to ensure efficient remediation, should a crisis occur Transforming HR teams from “paper pushers” into strategic business leaders who can provide invaluable input on staffing decisions How can achieving your compensation management objectives improve company culture? Attracting, retaining, and engaging your people through a comprehensive compensation program is integral to building a thriving company culture. Compensation packages that provide market-range salaries and address employee wellbeing demonstrate how much a company values its people. Professionals who receive such all-inclusive compensation are bound to contribute positive energy and a good attitude to the company culture.
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    【HR术语】什么是绩效奖金?(What is a performance-based bonus?) 什么是绩效奖金? 绩效奖金是给予团队成员的额外报酬,作为对达到预先设定的目标和基准的奖励。 领导层通常会在对杰出项目或高质量工作表现进行评估后,用绩效奖金奖励团队。 绩效奖金的类型和示例 每个组织都会制定并遵循自己的政策来奖励出色的工作。最常见的绩效奖金类型包括 现场奖金。当场奖金是一种 “当场 ”决定,是对高绩效的一种补偿。管理者通常从自由支配基金中提取即期奖金,领导层可设定即期奖金的指定发放时间。 佣金奖金。佣金奖金通常用于销售部门,是销售利润的一个预定百分比,通常颁发给团队成员,以表彰他们在确保销售中所发挥的作用。 任务奖金。这是在团队成员实现预定的具体目标后给予的补偿。这些目标可以是整个团队的标准化目标,也可以是根据每个人的技能组合和工作职责制定的个性化目标。 利润分享奖金。如果组织的利润高于预期,他们可能会用利润分享奖金来奖励业绩超出预期的员工。 收益分享奖金。收益分享奖金通常在制造业发放。通常在产品需求量大的季节发放,收益分享奖金支付给帮助提高生产效率和质量的员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注绩效奖金? 基于公平标准而精心设计的绩效奖金制度可以激励团队成员完成高质量的工作,达到既定目标,并保持积极性和生产力。 绩效奖金还能帮助人力资源领导层实现以下目标: 让团队成员参与并为公司的长远发展感到兴奋 留住优秀员工,提高他们对公司的忠诚度 吸引新的人才加入公司 激励员工发挥潜能 绩效奖金:优点与缺点 虽然绩效奖金是激励员工和奖励出色表现的好方法,但也并非没有挑战。如果企业没有明确的战略来监控绩效奖金的发放频率、范围和对象,那么企业的底线和企业文化都会受到影响。 让我们来看看绩效奖金的优点和挑战。 绩效奖金如何计算? 虽然每家公司都采用自己的模式来计算绩效奖金,但许多组织都选择在员工完成预定目标后,每年按工资的一定比例给予奖励。 如果绩效奖金是按季度、按月,甚至是临时性的发放,那就比较麻烦了,因为奖金总额要在全年中进行分配。 平均绩效奖金是多少? 平均而言,绩效奖金约占年薪的 2.5%-7.5% 左右。 根据 Ceic 的数据,美国的平均年薪为 55,020 美元,因此平均每年的绩效奖金在 1,375.50 美元到 4,126.50 美元之间。抛开全国平均水平不谈,某些职业也能带来不菲的收入。如果你有幸在 2014-2020 年间为巴塞罗那足球俱乐部效力,那么你的合同中就包含了 11,000,000 欧元的奖金,只要你在一个赛季中至少参加了球队一半的比赛。足球生涯失败了,为什么不试试投资或成为商业巨头呢?据报道,特斯拉董事会同意向首席执行官埃隆-马斯克支付550亿美元的10年奖金,相当于1100万块卡地亚手表。 如何确保有效实施绩效奖金? 人力资源领导者可以领导管理者与员工之间的合作,制定绩效奖金标准,有效激励团队,并与公司预算和目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以结合以下步骤,创建一个动态的绩效奖金系统: 确定标准。人力资源领导者应制定绩效奖金的评估标准,并确保管理人员及其团队对此有所了解。向双方解释标准可为他们提供必要的信息,以便尽最大努力做好本职工作。人力资源部门还可以实施绩效衡量系统,最大限度地挖掘员工潜力,确保客观公正。 培训管理者指导团队。根据 Zippia 于 2022 年发布的研究报告《30 项平均奖金统计》,“总体而言,奖金可使员工在工作场所的参与度提高八倍”。由于管理者在员工敬业度方面发挥着至关重要的作用,因此教育他们成为有效的教练,可以直接提高员工的工作绩效,进而推动公司的发展。 邀请团队参与目标设定。人力资源领导可以邀请团队成员帮助制定可实现的绩效奖金目标。如果员工参与目标制定过程,他们就更有可能更好地把握未来的任务,并有动力完成这些任务。 持续发放绩效奖金。绩效奖金应按照统一的时间表发放。这样,员工就能制定相应的计划,在截止日期前完成任务,增加获得绩效奖金的机会。 让绩效奖金目标与公司目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以通过整合促进个人和公司成功的目标来增强员工的能力。这能让员工更加投入,知道自己的工作具有意义和重要性。 绩效奖金如何改善公司文化? 绩效奖金制度可以奖励专业人员的成就,并公平、准确地衡量工作绩效,从而给员工带来成就感。他们可以体验到职业成长,从为公司的整体成功做出贡献中获得满足感,并更有可能为公司文化带来积极的能量和良好的态度。 以下为文章原文: What is a performance-based bonus? A performance-based bonus is an extra compensation granted to a team member as a reward for reaching pre-established goals and benchmarks. Leadership often rewards their teams with performance bonuses after evaluating outstanding projects or high-quality work performances. Types and examples of performance bonuses Every organization creates and follows their own policy to reward exceptional work. The most common types of performance bonuses include: Spot bonuses. A spot bonus is an “on the spot” decision, a form of compensation awarded in recognition of high performance. Managers often draw spot bonuses from a discretionary fund and leadership may set designated times for spot bonuses. Commission bonuses. Commonly utilized by sales departments, commission bonuses are a predetermined percentage of sales profit, usually awarded to a team member in recognition for their role in securing a sale. Mission bonus. This is compensation awarded to team members after the achievement of specific, predetermined goals. These goals can be standardized for the whole team or personalized for each individual, based on their skill set and job responsibilities. Profit-sharing bonus. If an organization turns a higher profit than expected, they may reward people who exceeded performance expectations with profit-sharing bonuses. Gain-sharing bonus. Gain-sharing bonuses are commonly awarded in the manufacturing sector. Usually given during seasons where their products are in high demand, gain-sharing bonuses are paid to the people who help improve efficiency and quality of production. Why should HR leaders care about performance bonuses? A well-designed performance bonus system based on fair criteria can stimulate team members to deliver quality work, reach set targets, and maintain motivation and productivity. Performance bonuses can also help HR leadership to: Keep team members engaged in–and excited about–the company’s longevity Retain top performers and drive company loyalty Attract new talent towards the organization Motivate people to achieve their potential Performance bonuses: advantages vs disadvantages While performance bonuses are a great way to motivate your workforce and incentivize exceptional performance, they’re not without challenges. If an organization has no clear strategy in place to monitor the frequency, scope, and recipients of performance bonuses, both their bottom line and company culture can be affected. Let’s consider both the strengths and challenges associated with performance bonuses. How are performance bonuses calculated? While every company adopts its own model to calculate performance bonuses, many organizations choose to reward their people annually with a percentage of their salary, upon the completion of predetermined targets. It gets a little trickier if performance bonuses are paid quarterly, monthly, or even on an ad hoc basis, as the total bonus amount is divided throughout the year. How much is the average performance bonus? On average, performance bonuses amount to around 2.5 percent-7.5 percent of an annual salary. According to Ceic, the average annual salary in the United States was $55,020, making the average annual performance bonuses stand between $1,375.50 and $4,126.50 per year. Forget national averages, certain careers can yield the big bucks. If you were lucky enough to play for FC Barcelona between 2014-2020, your contract included an €11,000,000 bonus for playing at least half of the team’s games during a season. Failing a football career, why not try investment or becoming a business magnate? The Tesla board reportedly agreed to pay CEO Elon Musk a 10-year bonus of $55 billion, the equivalent of 11 million Cartier watches. How can you ensure effective implementation of performance bonuses? HR leaders can lead a collaboration between managers and their people to establish performance bonus criteria that effectively motivate the team and align with the company budget and goals. HR leaders can incorporate these steps to create a dynamic performance bonus system: Define criteria. HR leaders should establish the criteria they’ll be using to assess for performance bonuses, and ensure that managers and their teams understand it. Explaining the criteria to both provides each with the necessary information to do their jobs to the best of their ability. HR can also implement a performance metric-system to maximize employee potential and ensure objectivity and fairness. Train managers to coach their teams. According to Zippia’s 2022 research, 30 average Bonus Statistics, “Overall, bonuses lead to workers being eight times more engaged in the workplace”. Because managers play such a vital role in employee engagement, educating them to become effective coaches can directly enhance employee work performance and in-turn advance the company. Invite teams to take part in target-setting. HR leaders can invite team members to help establish attainable performance bonus goals. There is a higher probability that people will better grasp the tasks ahead of them and have the motivation to accomplish these tasks if they participate in the goal-setting process. Offer performance bonuses consistently. Performance bonuses should be granted according to a consistent timeline. This way, people can plan accordingly to meet deadlines and increase their chances of qualifying for a performance bonus. Align performance bonus goals with company goals. HR leaders can empower their people by integrating goals that promote both individual and company success. This allows their people to feel more engaged, knowing that their work holds meaning and importance. How can performance bonuses improve company culture? A performance bonus system that rewards professionals for their achievements and measures work performance fairly and accurately gives people a sense of accomplishment. They can experience professional growth, satisfaction from contributing toward the overall success of their company, and are more likely to bring positive energy and a good attitude to the company culture.
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    【HR术语】什么是企业文化?(What is company culture?) 什么是企业文化? 企业文化是一个组织将其核心价值观和特性融入社会习俗和规范、商业惯例和氛围的表现形式。组织就像宗教或种族群体一样,会自然而然地形成自己的工作文化、劳动力管理策略和鲜明特点。 健康的工作文化包括以下基本要素: 可获得的学习机会 工作与生活的和谐 积极的工作环境 有意义的工作经验 激发员工积极性的领导力 企业文化的类型 有多少家公司,就有多少种企业文化。也就是说,企业文化是复杂的,无法简单分类。不过,现代企业文化的发展趋势还是可以描述的。定义公司文化的一些不同方法包括 宗族文化: 氏族文化也称为协作文化,具有高度的协作性和沟通性,以人为本,努力打破高管与个人贡献者之间的壁垒。 民主文化: Adhocracy 文化(源于 "ad hoc")将灵活性、创新性和适应性放在首位,奖励冒险精神和创造力。 市场文化: 市场文化注重结果,强调实现目标、达成指标和取得成果。高管与个人贡献者之间往往存在隔离,最优先考虑的是底线。 等级文化: 等级文化是一种较为传统的文化,它喜欢稳定、统一和明确的流程。这里有明确的指挥系统,通常很少有改变的余地。 公司文化为何重要? 健康的文化能推动成功,并能直接促进以下方面: 工作绩效 员工参与 留住员工 生产力 缺勤率 利润 聘用顶尖人才 作为工作文化的守护者,人力资源领导者在影响员工和管理者、塑造公司文化方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在 HiBob 的一项调查中,77% 的受访者表示,在寻找新工作时,企业文化是一个重要的考虑因素。同样,在 SHRM 的一份报告中,20% 的人表示因对企业文化不满而离职。 如何创建公司文化? 公司文化的独特之处在于,无论企业是否主动尝试,它都在日复一日地不断变化。领导者通过各种态度、行为和价值观来打造企业文化。从领导者的语气到他们选择的奖励方式,都会对工作场所的文化产生影响。 因此,了解和学习如何创建企业文化至关重要。人力资源领导者必须把握组织的脉搏,了解现有文化,判断其是否积极有效,并据此进行塑造。 如何改善企业文化? 人力资源领导者可以培育公司文化,并引导其朝着积极的方向发展。结合这些如何改变公司文化的要素,可以帮助人力资源部门保持公司文化的正确方向: 让员工有发言权。人力资源部门的领导者可以营造一种环境,让管理层和领导层重视员工,并鼓励他们感到自在。当员工感到自己受到重视时,他们就会更有动力完成高质量的工作并实现目标。人力资源领导者可以促进一种接收、评估和实施相关员工反馈意见的方法。 加强良好氛围。正能量是会传染的。人力资源领导者可以通过肯定员工的成就、直接感谢员工的具体贡献以及对同事表示同情等方式,营造一个更加快乐的工作环境。 使企业文化与公司形象保持一致。人力资源领导者可以与高管合作,确定他们希望传达的精神以及他们希望蓬勃发展的文化类型。例如,如果企业希望促进员工的自主性,就可以提供灵活的工作时间,实行员工与管理者合作制定目标,并将员工的反馈纳入流程和决策中。人力资源领导者可以通过调查员工,了解他们希望如何在工作中发挥更大的自主性,从而进一步提高员工的自主性。 如何衡量企业文化? 每个组织对其理想文化的定义可能不同。但是,当人力资源领导者实施必要的计划时,他们可以提升企业文化,并引导其朝着理想的方向发展。通过跟踪以下系统的进展和成功情况,可以衡量公司文化。 行为准则 学习与发展计划 绩效管理流程 教练或导师制 协作平台 员工表彰 核心流程和系统可以创建统一、稳定、社区和不断发展的企业文化,从而直接促进员工的参与、保留和激励。 有哪些企业文化范例? 为了帮助说明人力资源领导者如何利用各种有意识的流程和系统建立公司文化,让我们来看看多年来公司文化屡获殊荣的谷歌。 谷歌的企业文化强调许多因素,从有趣的工作环境到鼓励创新,再到允许开放式沟通的扁平化组织结构。除了丰厚的薪酬和福利外,公司还为员工提供流动性、强大的财务支持和灵活的工作安排。 谷歌还通过其 "十条真理 "宣言来宣传公司的价值观。该宣言宣扬了公司的核心理念:"不作恶也能赚钱"。 从这个例子可以看出,谷歌的企业文化是非常用心的,它将员工的幸福感与一系列明确的价值观放在首位。该公司为建立有目的的企业文化所做的深思熟虑的努力,有助于吸引顶尖人才,并因提供良好的员工体验而屡获殊荣。 为什么公司文化应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 一旦了解了企业文化的重要性,以及每个组织都有自己的企业文化(无论是否有目的),那么建立积极的企业文化就会成为人力资源专业人员的首要任务。通过有意识地建立公司文化,并努力发展一种能够反映公司目标、价值观和信念的文化,人力资源部门可以改善从招聘、留任到生产率等各个方面的工作。 以下为文章原文: What is company culture? Company culture is an organization’s expression of its core values and identity into social customs and norms, business practices, and vibe. Organizations, like religious or ethnic groups, naturally develop their own work cultures, workforce management strategies, and distinct characteristics. A healthy work culture includes these essential components: Accessible learning opportunities Work-life harmony Positive work environment Meaningful work experience Leadership that ignites employee motivation Types of company culture There are as many types of company culture as there are companies. That is to say, company culture is complex and defies simple taxonomies. However, it is possible to describe trends in modern companies’ cultures. Some examples of different ways to define company culture include: Clan culture: Also called a collaborative culture, the clan culture is highly collaborative and communicative, with a focus on people and an effort to break down barriers between executives and individual contributors. Adhocracy culture: Adhocracy culture (from “ad hoc”) prioritizes agility, innovation, and adaptability, rewarding risk-taking and creativity. Market culture: Market culture is all about results, emphasizing meeting goals, reaching targets, and getting results. Often separating executives and individual contributors, the top priority is the bottom line. Hierarchy culture: A more traditional culture, hierarchy culture loves stability, uniformity, and well-defined processes. There is a clear chain of command and often little room for change. Why is company culture important? A healthy culture drives success and can directly promote: Work performance Employee engagement Retention Productivity Presenteeism Profit Hiring top talent As guardians of the work culture, HR leaders play a crucial role in influencing people and managers and shaping the company culture. In a HiBob survey, 77 percent of respondents said that culture was an essential aspect to consider when looking for a new job. Similarly, in an SHRM report, 20 percent of people reported leaving their jobs due to dissatisfaction with the culture. How can you create a company culture? The unique thing about company culture is that—whether or not an organization is proactively trying to—it is constantly changing, day in and day out. Leaders build company culture through various attitudes, actions, and values. Everything from a leader’s tone of voice to what they choose to reward contributes to the culture in the workplace. This is why it is essential to be aware of and learn how to create a company culture. HR leaders must take their organization’s pulse, understand the existing culture, determine whether or not it’s positive and effective, and mold it accordingly. How can you improve company culture? HR leaders can nurture their company culture and navigate it in a positive direction. Incorporating these elements of how to change a company’s culture can help HR keep the culture on track: Give people a voice. HR leaders can foster an environment where management and leadership value people and encourage them to feel comfortable. When people feel valued, they are more motivated to perform high-quality work and achieve goals. HR leaders can facilitate a method for receiving, evaluating, and implementing relevant employee feedback. Strengthen the good vibes. Positive energy is contagious. HR leaders can cultivate a happier workplace by recognizing people’s achievements, directly thanking individuals for specific contributions, and demonstrating empathy towards colleagues. Align culture with company identity. HR leaders can collaborate with executives to identify the ethos they want to convey and the type of culture they want to thrive. If, for instance, an organization seeks to promote employee autonomy, it can offer flexible work hours, implement employee-manager collaboration for establishing goals, and include employee feedback in processes and decision-making. HR leaders can further increase employee autonomy by surveying people to discover how they’d like to take greater ownership of their work. How can you measure company culture? Each organization may define its desired culture differently. But, when HR leaders implement essential programs, they can enhance the culture and guide it in the desired direction. By tracking the progress and success of the following systems, it is possible to measure company culture. The code of conduct Learning and development initiatives The performance management process Coaching or mentorship Collaboration platforms Employee recognition Core processes and systems can create a unified, stable, community, and growing culture, which directly nurtures employee engagement, retention, and motivation. What are some examples of company culture? To help illustrate how HR leaders can build a company culture using various intentional processes and systems, let’s take a look at Google, whose company culture has received multiple awards over the years. Google’s culture emphasizes many factors, from a fun work environment to encouraging innovation to allowing open communication with a flat organizational structure. In addition to great compensation and perks, the company gives people mobility, robust financial support, and flexible work arrangements. Google also makes it a point to communicate its values through its “ten things we know to be true” manifesto. The manifesto promotes the company’s core belief that “you can make money without doing evil.” This example shows that Google’s culture is highly intentional, prioritizing employee happiness alongside a set of clear values. The company’s deliberate effort to build a purposeful culture helps it attract top talent and consistently receives awards for providing a great employee experience. Why should company culture be a part of modern HR strategy? Once you understand why company culture is important and the reality that—purposeful or not—every organization has one, building a positive culture emerges as a top priority for HR professionals. By being intentional with your company culture and putting in the effort to develop a culture that reflects your goals, values, and beliefs, HR can improve everything from hiring to retention to productivity.
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    【HR术语】什么是离职?(What is offboarding?) 什么是离职? 离职是让员工脱离公司职位的过程,这种做法既适用于选择离职的员工,也适用于被解雇的员工。 入职流程让人联想到登机(帮助新员工适应新工作),而离职流程则类似于下飞机(为员工离职提供结构化框架)。 一个好的离职计划应该: 将公司内部的混乱降至最低 保护公司机密信息 获得离职员工的有益反馈 包括一个亲切的欢送会 为什么离职对人力资源领导者很重要? 计划周密、顺利进行的离职计划是维护以下方面的关键: 公司声誉 数据安全 积极的公司文化 成功的离职让雇主和即将离职的团队成员在业务关系期间和结束后保持相互尊重的关系。 什么是离职政策? 离职政策是一项详细而正式的计划,概述了离职流程的方方面面,使离职人员和他们离开的组织在离职期间能够更顺利地过渡。如果没有明确的离职政策,雇主就很容易面临潜在的安全威胁和法律问题,同时还会损害公司与离职员工之间的关系。 离职政策有助于公司: 应对员工变动带来的后勤挑战,重新分配职责 制定离职面谈模板 为所有员工创造一致的离职体验 通过收回公司资产和撤销对公司账户的访问权限,将安全风险降至最低 防止出现法律问题,如合同纠纷、赔偿纠纷或不当解雇 保护与离职者的关系 什么是离职电子邮件? 离职电子邮件是雇主发出的正式声明,证明某人在组织中的工作已经结束。无论离职是由于辞职、退休还是解雇,人力资源部门都必须提供一封正式信函,以管理最后几天的雇佣关系。 离职电子邮件之所以重要,是因为: 它是对离职人员在公司期间所做贡献和所取得成就的认可 通常包括离职面试问题,或为前团队成员提供就其经历提供反馈的机会,这有助于公司随着时间的推移不断改进 所使用的具体措辞将影响离职员工在必要时从政府获得财政支持的资格或丧失资格 成功离职的最佳做法是什么? 人力资源部门可以制定一个全面、体恤员工的离职计划,其中包括以下内容: 更新同事信息。人力资源部门知道团队成员即将离职后,可以立即向公司成员发送电子邮件。这样可以最大限度地减少可能损害离职人员声誉的谣言。 起草必要的法律文件。辞职信或解雇信、福利文件和保密信都是保护雇主和员工的文件。最好提前准备好这些文件,并存储在公司的申请人跟踪系统中。 专业技能的转移。确保将离职团队成员的经验和知识整理好,为下一位员工做好准备。如果员工与客户有联系,可将客户邮件转发给同事。 收回公司财产。清点离职员工持有的所有物品,确保公司财产全部收回。这包括:笔记本电脑、门卡、ID 徽章、制服等。 与 IT 部门沟通。确保 IT 部门停用员工的计算机和内部计算机系统,并删除数据访问权限,从而保护公司隐私和机密信息。 计划离职面谈。力求对员工的需求和观点保持敏感。这是向离职员工了解公司需要改进的缺陷的重要机会。 表达感激之情。在员工踏上下一段旅程时,人力资源部门可以组织一个告别派对,并赠送个性化礼物,以表达善意。 推荐职业介绍服务。告知即将离职的团队成员,公司可以通过与职业介绍服务机构合作,帮助他们寻找新工作(如有必要)。这将为他们重返就业市场提供优势。 离职与入职 乍一看,入职和离职似乎是两个极端。相反,可以把入职和离职看作是一本书的第一章和最后一章: 导言部分是场景的铺垫,而结尾部分则是线索的收尾。然而,二者的复杂性和敏感性是相似的,都需要按部就班的计划、精心组织的文书工作和足够的技巧。 入职培训是让新团队成员熟悉组织、文化和员工的过程。相比之下,离职则侧重于与离职人员保持积极的关系,同时理清所有遗留问题,保护公司免受法律和安全威胁。 对于员工和组织而言,入职和离职都存在不确定性和风险。如果双方都没有做好准备,没有一个正规的流程,沟通不畅和不满情绪就会升级。 离职和回旋镖式员工 当公司花时间为离职团队成员创造积极的离职体验时,他们不仅能以良好的条件结束,还能为未来的可能性敞开大门。竞争日趋激烈的就业市场催生了一种被招聘人员称为 "回旋镖员工 "的现象--他们会回到自己曾经工作过的组织。 《企业文化与回流员工》的最新研究强调,有很多理由可以考虑聘用回流员工: 56% 的人力资源专业人士和 51% 的经理会优先考虑或非常优先考虑离职后表现良好的回流求职者 33% 的人力资源专业人士和 38% 的管理人员认为,熟悉公司文化和较少的培训需求是重新雇用前团队成员的最大好处 顺利的离职流程如何改善公司文化? 一个良好的离职流程对离职员工和留任员工都有好处,既能让离职员工以良好的条件离开,又能保持对公司的忠诚度和员工的参与度。 友好的离职也为 "回旋员工 "敞开了大门。这表明公司是如此优秀,值得员工再回来。 一个全面的离职流程应考虑到所有员工(包括离职员工和留任员工)的福利,这样才能让每个人都能更顺利地度过过渡期,并建立一种体现充满活力的福利精神的公司文化。 利用人力资源技术实现离职流程自动化 成功、顺利地完成离职流程所需的努力不容小觑。人力资源技术可以通过以下方式帮助组织和简化整个离职流程: 创建一致的离职流程 确保离职人员获得积极的离职体验 提供提示、流程图和核对表,确保所有必要的交接任务都得到执行 提供离职面谈脚本 自动执行特定的离职程序(某些程序可自动发送最终薪酬摘要等文件) 以下为文章原文: What is offboarding? Offboarding is the process of disengaging an employee from their position within a company, a practice used both for people who choose to leave, and for those who are laid off. While the onboarding process is reminiscent of boarding a plane (and helps new hires acclimate to a new job), the offboarding process is akin to to disembarking (and provides employees with a structured framework when leaving a position). A good offboarding program should: Minimize disruption within the company Protect confidential company information Gain helpful feedback from the exiting employee Include a gracious goodbye party Provide the departing employee with outplacement services, if necessary Why is offboarding important to HR leaders? A well-planned and smooth offboarding program is key to maintaining: Company reputation Data security Positive company culture Successful offboarding allows the employer and the exiting team member to maintain a relationship of mutual respect during and after the end of the business relationship. What is an offboarding policy? An offboarding policy is a detailed and formalized plan, outlining every facet of the exit process and enabling a smoother transition during the offboarding period for both the person leaving and the organization they leave behind. Without a clear offboarding policy, employers leave themselves vulnerable to potential security threats and legal issues, along with damage to the relationship between the company and exiting employee. An offboarding policy helps companies to: Manage the logistical challenges of a changing workforce and reassign responsibilities Develop an exit interview template Create a consistent offboarding experience for all employees Minimize security risks by reclaiming company assets and withdrawing access to company accounts Prevent legal issues, e.g., contract disputes, compensation disputes, or wrongful termination Protect their relationship with the person leaving What is an offboarding email? An offboarding email is a formal declaration from the employer evidencing the end of someone’s time with an organization. Whether offboarding is the result of a resignation, retirement, or termination, the HR department must provide a formal letter to manage the last days of employment. An offboarding email is important because: It’s an acknowledgement of the leaving person’s contributions and achievements during their time with the company It often includes either exit interview questions or the opportunity for former team members to provide feedback on their experience, which can help the company to improve over time The specific wording used will impact–either qualifying or disqualifying–the leaving employee’s recourse to financial support from the government, if needed What are the best practices for successful offboarding? HR can create a comprehensive and compassionate offboarding program which includes these components: Update co-workers. HR can email company members as soon as they know team member will be leaving. This minimizes rumors that could potentially damage the departing person’s reputation. Draw up necessary legal documents. A letter of resignation or termination, benefits documents, and a letter of non-disclosure are documents which protect both the employer and employee. It’s best to prepare these ahead of time and store in the company’s applicant tracking system. Transfer of expertise. Ensure that the departing team member’s experience and knowledge is organized and ready for the next hire. If the employee was in contact with clients, forward client emails to a co-worker. Retrieve company property. Keep an inventory of all items which the departing team member has in their possession, to ensure a full recovery of all company property. This includes: laptop, keycard, ID badges, uniform, etc. Communicate with IT. Protect company privacy and classified information by ensuring IT deactivates the employee’s computer, internal computer systems, and removes data access. Plan an exit interview. Aim to be sensitive to the person’s needs and perspective. This is a key opportunity to learn from the departing employee about company flaws which need to be improved upon. Show gratitude. HR can organize a goodbye party and personalized gift to show goodwill, as the employee embarks on their next journey. Recommend outplacement services. Inform the departing team member that the company can help them look for a new job (if necessary), through partnering with an outplacement services agency. This can provide them with an advantage when back in the job-market. Offboarding vs. onboarding At first glance, onboarding and offboarding appear to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. Instead, think of onboarding and offboarding as the first and last chapters of a book: The introduction sets the scene while the conclusion ties up any loose threads. Yet, both are similar in that the complexity–and sensitivity–of each requires step-by-step planning, meticulously organized paperwork, and plenty of tact. Onboarding is the process of familiarizing new team members with their organization,its culture, and its people. Offboarding, in contrast, is focused on maintaining a positive relationship with the person leaving, while tying up any loose ends and protecting the company from both legal and security threats. Neither onboarding nor offboarding are without uncertainty and risk for employees and organizations. Without preparation and a formalized process on both sides, miscommunication and discontent can escalate. Offboarding and boomerang employees When a company takes the time to create a positive offboarding experience for departing team members, they not only end on good terms, but leave the door open for future possibilities. An increasingly competitive job market has given rise to a phenomenon recruiters refer to as “boomerang employees”—people who return to an organization at which they were previously employed. Recent research from The Corporate Culture and Boomerang Employee study highlighted there are plenty of reasons to consider hiring a boomerang employee: 56 percent of HR professionals and 51 percent of managers give high or very high priority to boomerang job applicants who left in good standing 33 percent of HR professionals and 38 percent of managers agree that familiarity with a company’s culture—and fewer training needs—are the biggest benefits of rehiring former team members How can a smooth offboarding process improve company culture? A good offboarding process benefits both the departing team member and those remaining, allowing the departing employee to leave on good terms, while maintaining company loyalty and employee engagement. Amicable offboarding also leaves the door open to “boomerang employees.” This shows that the company is so good, it’s worth coming back to. A comprehensive offboarding process which takes into account the wellbeing of all employees, those departing and those staying, can lead to a smoother transition period for everyone and builds a company culture that embodies a vibrant spirit of wellbeing. Automating offboarding processes with HR tech The effort required to successfully and smoothly complete an offboarding process cannot be underestimated. HR tech can help organize and streamline the entire exit process by: Creating a consistent offboarding process Ensuring that the person leaving has a positive exit experience Offering prompts, flowcharts, and checklists to ensure that all necessary handover tasks are carried out Providing an exit interview script Automating specific offboarding procedures (some programs can automatically send documents such as final pay summaries)
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是入职前培训,为什么它很重要?(What is preboarding and why is it important?) 什么是入职前培训,为什么它很重要? 在我们快速发展的工作环境中,人力资源部门不得不发展一种全新的语言:一种能够准确反映我们日益复杂的角色和工作条件的语言。 在招聘方面,"入职前培训 "就是这一新语言中你应该牢记的词汇之一。在这个员工敬业度决定一切的时代,让自己在竞争中脱颖而出的一个重要方法就是精心策划(并妥善实施)有效的入职前培训计划。 在此,我们不对员工入职进行定义,相信你已经知道什么是入职以及何时入职,无论是亲自入职还是远程入职。 内容: 什么是入职前培训? 入职前培训为何重要? 入职前培训如何让新员工有宾至如归的感觉? 入职前培训应包括哪些内容? 入职前培训的技巧和最佳实践 入职前培训与入职前培训 利用入职前培训提高留任率 什么是入职前培训? 入职前培训是入职前的一个步骤,新员工在入职前要与组织见面并处理一些官僚细节。 入职前流程通常包括一些简单的事项:税表、健康声明、保险文书以及其他任何可以通过电子邮件处理的事项。在新员工入职第一天之前完成这些任务,人力资源部门就可以规划出更有效、更简化的入职体验。 以下是确保新员工经历有效的入职前体验如此重要的原因。 入职前培训为何重要? 俗话说,给人的第一印象不会有第二次机会。 即使你的候选人可能还没有为你工作,你也应该以一种让他们知道他们很重要并且他们做出了正确决定的方式来对待他们。 以下是您应该认真对待入职前培训的一些原因: 培养忠诚度。受到公司善待的人更有可能感受到与工作场所的联系。这有助于培养忠诚度,意味着他们有更多理由留在这里。 确保人才。新员工接受了你的聘用,并不意味着你就完全摆脱困境了。他们可能会利用你的提议来吸引其他地方的人才,或者在其他公司获得更好的工作机会。但是,高质量的入职前流程可能会让他们相信你的提议是最好的。 防止员工流失。员工流失既费钱又费时,总成本约占离职员工基本工资的 33%。入职培训和留住员工密不可分,而入职前培训则是确保防止员工流失的额外步骤。 入职前培训如何让员工有宾至如归的感觉? 尽管您为企业招募到了优秀的候选人,但当今的顶尖人才争夺战仍在激烈进行。这场争夺战并不会在候选人接受贵公司职位的那一刻结束。 您的竞争对手非常了解最优秀的人才。因此,可以肯定的是,招聘人员和竞争对手的组织已经将您的新员工纳入他们的视线,甚至在他们加入您的组织后,还在与他们联系有关职位的事宜。 活跃的劳动力市场上出现了一种新的招聘趋势:员工 "幽灵化",美联储将其定义为 "美联储将其定义为:"员工在没有通知的情况下停止上班,然后就无法联系。 因此,如今您的首要责任之一就是确保您的新员工对您的组织做出长期承诺,而不是上竞争对手的当。 入职前培训应包括哪些内容? 在入职前培训计划中,您必须提供让新员工熟悉组织的信息,这样他们才能在新的工作岗位上抢占先机。 以下是入职前培训应包括的一些内容: 结构化路线图。提供一个结构化的路线图,有助于让新员工明确在未来几天或几周内,他们在贵公司应该做些什么。 常见问题列表。您的新团队成员一定会有一长串问题希望得到解答。准备一份常见问题解答文档,解答常见问题,将有助于新员工了解情况,增强信心。 深入了解公司文化。公司文化在现代员工体验中扮演着重要角色。借此机会分享公司的传统、成就,甚至内部笑话,确保新员工对加入您的团队感到融入和兴奋。 分享公司手册。如果您有公司手册,应与新员工分享,这样他们就能了解公司的所有内幕。 基本的行政工作。新员工加入公司后,需要完成大量的行政工作。其中一些任务可以在入职前阶段完成,这意味着他们第一天的工作不会是纯粹的行政事务。 入职前培训的技巧和最佳实践 由于许多优秀人才在几乎没有提前通知的情况下就选择放弃新工作,因此企业的新员工入职准备期必须快如闪电。 这是因为大多数人不会立即开始新工作。而这种停工期可能会让他们对自己接受组织新职位的决定产生怀疑。 不过,您可以通过一些有效的入职前想法来消除这种焦虑: 向整个组织发送一封电子邮件,介绍新员工,并鼓励新同事做自我介绍。 邀请新员工到工作场所与 C 级团队成员进行非正式交谈。 带领新员工参观公司。 为新员工和直属团队成员安排校外社交活动。 在新员工第一天上班之前,发送一封电子邮件询问他们是否有任何问题或顾虑。提醒他们组织里的每个人都对他们的到来感到非常兴奋! 充分利用新员工入职前的空闲时间,你就能让他们感受到初次加入组织时的兴奋。 而一个积极进取的团队成员更有可能坚持工作一段时间。 入职与入职前培训 入职培训和入职前培训经常被混淆或交替使用。 但实际上,这两个流程在很多关键方面是不同的。以下是界定入职培训和入职前培训的主要因素。 如果您希望改进入职流程,我们的员工入职模板和入职电子邮件模板可以帮助您快速入职。 利用入职前培训提高留任率 如今,员工,尤其是千禧一代,加入和离开组织的速度之快令人咋舌。近 20% 的新员工会在入职前 45 天内辞职。 招聘不仅仅是寻找和录用: 要使招聘过程取得成功,新员工需要坚持下去。但好消息是,正确的入职前培训可以迅速加强新员工与组织的联系,大大降低离职率和自然减员率。 入职前培训是入职培训的好帮手,因此可以肯定的是,有了强有力的入职前培训,就会有强有力的入职培训--我们知道,强有力的入职培训会带来快乐的员工。 投资入职前培训应该是让新员工参与并与组织保持联系的重中之重。 以下为文章原文: What is preboarding and why is it important? In our rapidly evolving workplace, HR has been forced to develop a whole new language: one that accurately reflects all of our increasingly complicated roles and work conditions. When it comes to hiring, one of the words in this new vocabulary that you should be keeping top of mind is “preboarding.” In an era when employee engagement is everything, a crucial way to set yourself apart from the competition is a well-planned (and well-implemented) effective preboarding program. We won’t define employee onboarding here—we’re sure you know what it is and when it happens, whether that’s in person or via remote onboarding. Contents: What is preboarding? Why is preboarding important? How does preboarding make hires feel at home? What should be included in preboarding? Tips and best practices for preboarding Onboarding vs preboarding Use preboarding to increase retention What is preboarding? Preboarding is the step before onboarding, when new hires get to meet the organization and take care of some bureaucratic details before their first day. The preboarding process usually covers simple things: tax forms, health declarations, insurance paperwork, and anything else that can be handled over email. Knocking out these tasks before day one allows HR to plan a more effective and streamlined onboarding experience. Here’s why making sure your new hires go through an effective preboarding experience is so important. Why is preboarding important? As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Even though your candidate may not even be working for you yet, you should still treat them in a way that lets them know that they matter and that they’ve made the right decision. Here are some reasons why you should take preboarding seriously: It fosters loyalty. People who are treated well by their company will be more likely to feel a connection with their place of work. This can help to foster loyalty—meaning they’ll have more reason to stick around. It secures talent. When a new hire has accepted your offer, it doesn’t mean that you’re completely out of the woods. They may be using your offer to gather interest elsewhere or secure a better offer at another company. But a quality preboarding process may convince them that your offer is best. It prevents turnover. Employee turnover is costly and time-consuming, with costs totaling approximately 33% of the exiting employee’s base pay. Onboarding and employee retention are inextricably linked, and preboarding is that extra step toward making sure you can combat attrition. How does preboarding make hires feel at home? Even though you recruited a great candidate for your organization, there’s a fierce and ongoing battle today for top talent. That battle doesn’t end the second a candidate accepts a role in your organization. Your competitors are well aware of the most talented people out there. That’s why it’s a safe bet that recruiters and rival organizations have your new hires on their radars and are reaching out to them about positions even after they’ve joined your organization. The active labor market has seen a new trend in hiring: employee ghosting, which The Federal Reserve has defined as: “a situation where a worker stops coming to work without notice and then is impossible to contact.” As such, one of your primary responsibilities today is to make sure your new hires make a long-term commitment to your organization, and not take the bait from one of your competitors. What should be included in preboarding? In your preboarding program, it’s vital that you include information that familiarizes your new hire with your organization so that they can get a head start on their new job. Here are some things that your preboarding should include: A structured roadmap. Providing a structured roadmap will help give your new hire clarity on what they should expect in the upcoming days and weeks with your company. A list of FAQs. Your new team member is bound to have a long list of questions that they’d like answered. Preparing an FAQ document addressing common questions will help your new hire feel informed and confident. Insights into your company culture. Company culture plays a large role in the modern employee experience. Take this opportunity to share company traditions, achievements, and even inside jokes to make sure your new member feels included and excited about joining your team. Share your company handbook. If you’ve got a company handbook, this should be shared with your new hire so they can be in the know about all of the ins and outs of your company. Basic admin tasks. When a new hire joins the company, there is a fair amount of admin to get done. Some of these tasks can be ticked off in the preboarding stage—meaning their first day won’t be purely administrative. Tips and best practices for preboarding With so many talented people opting out of new jobs with little or no notice, your organization’s new hire ramp-up period needs to be lightning-fast. This is because most people don’t start a new job right away. And this downtime can cause them to second-guess their decision to accept a new role in your organization. However, you can eliminate a lot of this anxiety with some effective preboarding ideas: Send an email to the entire organization introducing a new hire and encouraging new colleagues to introduce themselves in return. Invite a new hire to pop by the workplace for informal chats with C-level team members. Give your new hire a grand tour of the organization. Set up social events off campus between a new hire and immediate team members. Before a new hire’s big first day, send an email asking if they have any questions or concerns. Remind them how excited everyone at your organization is about their arrival! By making the most of the downtime before a new hire’s first day you’ll be able to build on the excitement they felt when they first signed up to join your organization. And a motivated team member is much more likely to stick around for a while. Onboarding vs preboarding Onboarding and preboarding can often be mixed up or used interchangeably. But in reality, these two processes differ from one another in a number of key ways. Here are the main factors that define both onboarding and preboarding. If you’re looking to improve your onboarding process, our employee onboarding templates and onboarding email templates can help you get a head start. Use preboarding to increase retention Employees today, especially millennials, are joining and leaving organizations at a rate that’ll make your head spin. Close to 20% of new hires will quit their jobs within the first 45 days. Hiring is about more than finding and hiring: To be a successful process, new joiners need to stick around. But the good news is that preboarding done right can quickly strengthen your new hires’ connection to your organization, greatly reducing turnover and attrition rates. Preboarding is onboarding’s sidekick, so it’s safe to assume that with strong preboarding comes strong onboarding—and we know that strong onboarding leads to happy employees. Investing in your preboarding should be a top priority for keeping your new hires engaged and connected to your organization.
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    【HR术语】什么是内部流动?(What is internal mobility?) 什么是内部流动? 内部流动是指员工在公司内部向新角色或职位的流动。这包括晋升(纵向流动)、调动和角色变化(横向流动)。 目前,许多企业都在使用内部流动战略来应对日益增长的人员流动率。良好的内部流动可以培养员工的技能,提高他们的工作满意度,甚至可以为企业节省时间和金钱。 为什么内部流动很重要? 在当前人员流动率居高不下的趋势下,内部流动可以成为提高员工留任率的有力工具。 通过为员工提供获得新经验的成长机会,可以提高整体工作满意度,从而降低员工离职另谋高就的可能性。 除了提高工作满意度,内部流动还能最大限度地发挥员工的才能。让员工体验不同的角色或部门,有助于他们发展新技能,使公司更加自给自足。 通过促进内部流动,你将拥有一支才华横溢、技能高超的团队,可以填补可能出现的大部分技能缺口--这样你就不必经常到公司外部寻找人才,从而节省了时间和金钱。 内部流动的例子 角色到角色的流动--员工在公司内部调动到相同资历的新角色。 调动--员工在不同地点继续担任组织内的相同职务。 晋升--团队成员晋升到公司更高级别的职位。 基于项目的流动--由具有不同专长的员工组成的团队为某一特定项目工作。 岗位轮换--员工在不同岗位或部门之间临时流动,以获得新的经验和学习新的技能。 发展计划--组织提供培训或发展计划,帮助员工掌握新技能,为在公司内担任不同角色做好准备。 内部流动的好处 降低成本--招聘新人的成本可能很高。企业可以通过聘用已经了解企业文化和流程的内部候选人来填补空缺职位,从而降低成本。 提高员工留任率--当员工感到自己有机会成长和晋升时,他们就更有可能长期留在公司。 提高参与度--有了在公司内学习、成长和接受新挑战的机会,员工会感到更有参与感和动力。 提高生产力--内部流动让员工接触到新的人员、流程和思维方式。这为团队成员提供了宝贵的知识,他们可以将这些知识运用到工作中。 如何促进内部流动? 您可以从建立内部流动计划开始。与每个部门的员工分享新的晋升或岗位轮换机会,明确表示欢迎每个人申请。 您还可以提供培训、在线课程和会议,帮助员工获得新技能和新知识。 通过招聘启事、内部通讯和定期的一对一交流,确保所有团队都了解这些机会,并激励员工去争取。给予他们追求发展目标所需的时间和支持。 另一种促进内部流动的方法是鼓励不同部门和团队之间的合作。这可以让员工接触到他们可能不熟悉的公司领域,并帮助他们与那些能为他们提供职业发展指导的人建立关系。 员工希望学习和成长。如果公司支持员工的发展和学习机会,那么最终也会帮助内部流动成为公司文化的一部分。 内部流动最佳实践 对于内部流动而言,重要的是为公司的每个职位制定清晰的职业发展路径。同时,要向所有员工开放机会,让他们可以尝试转换角色和传授技能。 说到这些机会,可以尝试组建一个招聘团队,寻找内部人才并从内部提拔。 为使这一做法行之有效,应在组织内部开展定期岗位轮换,以便对员工进行交叉培训,让他们在不同的岗位上积累经验,从而使他们具备所需的可转换技能,以便在他们愿意的情况下抓住这些机会。 内部流动是一项长期投资。但从长远来看,促进内部流动的企业会从中获益,创造一个高效的工作场所,让员工更加快乐。 以下为文章原文: What is internal mobility? Internal mobility is the movement of employees within a company to new roles or positions. This can include promotions (vertical mobility), as well as transfers and role changes (lateral mobility). Many businesses are now using an internal mobility strategy to address the increasing rates of turnover. Good internal mobility develops employees’ skills, increases their job satisfaction, and can even save an organization time and money. Why is internal mobility important? With the current trend of high turnover, internal mobility can be a powerful tool for boosting the retention rate for employees. By giving employees opportunities to grow with new experiences, it can increase overall job satisfaction—reducing the likelihood of them leaving for a new job elsewhere. Besides increasing job satisfaction, internal mobility makes the most of what employees have to offer. Giving employees experience in different roles or departments helps them develop new skills that can make your company more self-sufficient. By promoting internal mobility, you’ll have a talented, highly skilled team that can fill in most of the skills gaps that may appear—so you won’t have to regularly look outside the company for talent acquisition, saving you time and money. Examples of internal mobility Role-to-role mobility – When an employee moves to a new role at the same level of seniority within the company. Transfer – When an employee continues their same role for the organization, but at a different location. Promotion – When a team member is promoted to a higher-level position in the company. Project-based mobility – When a team of employees, with different kinds of expertise, is put together for a specific project. Job rotations – When an employee moves temporarily between different roles or departments to gain new experiences and learn new skills. Development programs – When an organization provides training or development programs to help employees acquire new skills and prepare them for different roles within the company. Benefits of internal mobility Reduced costs – Hiring new people can be expensive. Businesses can reduce costs by filling open positions with internal candidates who already understand the organization’s culture and processes. Improved employee retention rates – When employees feel that they have opportunities to grow and advance, they’re more likely to stay with the company long-term. Increased engagement – With opportunities to learn, grow and take on new challenges within a company, employees feel more engaged and motivated. Improved productivity – Internal mobility exposes employees to new people, processes, and ways of thinking.This gives team members valuable knowledge that they can apply to their work. How do you promote internal mobility? You can start by establishing an internal mobility program. Share new opportunities for promotions or job rotations with employees from every department, making it clear that everyone is welcome to apply. You can also offer training, online courses, and conferences to help employees gain new skills and knowledge. Make sure that all teams are aware of these opportunities through job postings, internal newsletters, and regular one-on-one check-ins—and inspire your people to go for them. Give them the time and support they need to pursue their development goals. Another way of promoting internal mobility is by encouraging collaboration between different departments and teams. This exposes employees to areas of the company they may be unfamiliar with, and helps them build relationships with people who can give them guidance on advancing their careers. Employees want to learn and grow. If a company supports employee development and learning opportunities, then it will also end up helping internal mobility to become an established part of company culture. Internal mobility best practices For internal mobility, it’s important to develop a clear career path for each role in your company. At the same time, keep opportunities open to all employees, so that they can try switching roles and transfer their skills. When it comes to these opportunities, try putting together a recruitment team to find internal talent and promote from within. For that to be effective, start regular job rotations within the organization so that you cross-train employees—giving them experience in different roles so that they have the transferable skills needed to take those opportunities, should they wish to. Internal mobility is a long-term investment. But the businesses that promote it in the long-run reap the benefits, creating a productive workplace with happier employees.
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    【HR术语】什么是工作场所的年龄歧视?(What is ageism in the workplace?) 什么是工作场所的年龄歧视? 职场中的年龄歧视,又称年龄偏见,是指人们因年龄而歧视同事和其他专业人员。 老龄歧视的形式多种多样,既可能发生在工作场所的年轻人身上,也可能发生在老年人身上。 年龄歧视是建立在对与年龄有关的陈规定型观念的信念之上的,例如,年龄较大的专业人员工作效率较低,无法适应新技术,或者年轻的专业人员工作积极性较低。 对这些刻板印象的相信会对公司及其文化产生破坏性影响。 工作场所中的年龄歧视有哪些例子? 年龄歧视可能以不同的形式出现,既有微妙的,也有明显的。一些年龄偏见的例子包括 由于年龄原因,将专业人员排除在培训机会、加薪和晋升之外 只解雇年龄较大的专业人员 因为年龄而拒绝聘用合格的求职者 在招聘启事中使用不鼓励某些年龄组的人申请的语言 就某人的年龄开冒犯性的玩笑或发表冒犯性的言论 粗暴对待反对年龄歧视的专业人士(即所谓的 "伤害") 因为某项任务涉及新技术,就认为老年人不具备处理该任务的技能 因为团队成员 "太年轻 "或 "太老",而忽视他们参与具有挑战性的项目 因为专业人员的年龄而将他们排除在重要会议和决策之外,或将他们排除在工作聚会之外 鼓励专业人员退休 当年长或年轻的专业人员犯类似错误时,对他们的批评多于其他团队成员 为什么要将避免年龄歧视作为人力资源战略的一部分? 工作场所中任何形式的歧视都只会损害公司的成功和声誉。 年龄歧视也不例外。 一个提倡 DEI&B 并没有年龄歧视的工作场所不仅能赢得员工的青睐,还能提高员工留任率,降低离职成本。 研究表明,多元化和包容性的工作场所也会带来更大的收入增长。 通过制定避免老龄歧视的战略,您将确保您的工作场所更具生产力、参与性和创新性,并能做出更好的决策。 这是因为各代人之间的平衡性很好;这为您提供了广泛的视角和技能,为公司的长期成功奠定了基础。 如何防止职场中的年龄歧视? 要防止职场中的年龄歧视,您可以 查看你的 DEI&B 指标,全面评估你公司的情况。您可以使用 "DE&I 面板 "来检查人力资源数据,并确定哪些领域受到年龄偏见的影响(如果有的话)。 检查公司政策和做法,确保它们具有包容性。 制定反对年龄歧视的政策,明确规定团队成员在工作中应如何应对各种形式的年龄歧视。 为招聘经理和主管提供培训,防止在招聘中出现年龄偏见。 在招聘启事中避免使用与年龄相关的语言。 确保所有合格的专业人员都能平等地获得晋升、加薪和培训机会。 在工作聚会和团队建设会议上,让每个人都感到自己被接纳。 为老年专业人员创造灵活的工作安排。 鼓励代际辅导,打破陈规。这样可以让年长和年轻的团队成员相互学习,建立牢固的工作关系。 年龄歧视如何影响企业文化? 工作场所的年龄偏见会对公司文化产生负面影响。 专业人士不会感到公司关心他们,因此工作满意度、生产力和参与度都会降低。 年龄歧视也会造成士气低落、对公司忠诚度降低的怨恨氛围。在一个缺乏支持和包容性的环境中,人们不会愿意长久待下去,这意味着离职率会上升。 这会形成一个负反馈循环,因为年轻或年长专业人员的不断流失会阻碍工作效率,增加与年龄有关的刻板印象。 年龄歧视会造成一种抵制变革的停滞不前的工作环境。它限制了多元化思维,阻止公司迎接新的挑战和机遇。这意味着创新和创造力的减少,而创新和创造力对公司的长期成功至关重要。 以下为文章原文: What is ageism in the workplace? Ageism in the workplace, also known as age bias, is when people discriminate against their colleagues and other professionals because of their age. Ageism takes various forms—it can happen to both younger and older people in the workplace. Ageism is founded on a belief in age-related stereotypes, such as older professionals being less productive and unable to adapt to new technologies, or younger professionals being less motivated. The belief in these kinds of stereotypes has a damaging effect on companies and their culture. What are some examples of ageism in the workplace? Ageism can appear in different forms, both subtle and obvious. Some age bias examples include: Excluding professionals from training opportunities, raises, and promotions because of their age Only firing older professionals Refusing to hire qualified candidates for a job opening because of their age Using language in job postings that discourages people from certain age groups from applying Making offensive jokes and remarks about someone’s age Treating professionals who speak up against ageism badly (known as victimization) Assuming an older person doesn’t have the skills to handle a task because it involves new technology Overlooking team members for challenging projects because they’re “too young” or “too old” Leaving professionals out of important meetings and decisions or excluding them from work gatherings because of their age Encouraging a professional to retire Criticizing an older, or younger, professional more than other team members when they make similar mistakes Why should avoiding ageism be part of your HR strategy? Discrimination of any kind in the workplace can only harm the success and reputation of a company. Ageism is no exception. A workplace that promotes DEI&B and is free from ageism not only gains the favor of its people but also increases retention rates—reducing turnover costs. Research shows that a diverse and inclusive workplace yields greater revenue growth too. By creating a strategy to avoid ageism, you’ll ensure that your workplace is more productive, engaged, and innovative with better decision-making. That’s because you’ll have a great balance between generations; this gives you a broad range of perspectives and skills that sets your company up for long-term success. How can you prevent ageism in the workplace? To prevent ageism in the workplace, you can: Look at your DEI&B metrics to thoroughly assess your company’s situation. You can use a DE&I dashboard to examine HR data and identify which areas arebeing influenced by age bias, if any. Examine company policies and practices to make sure that they’re inclusive. Establish policies against ageism which clearly outline how team members should deal with its various forms at work. Provide training for hiring managers and supervisors to prevent age bias in hiring. Avoid age-related language in job postings. Ensure that promotions, raises, and training opportunities are equally available to all qualified professionals. Make everyone feel included at work gatherings and in team-building sessions. Create flexible work arrangements for older professionals. Break down stereotypes by encouraging intergenerational mentoring. This will allow older and younger team members to learn from each other and create strong working relationships. How does ageism influence company culture? Age bias in the workplace has a negative influence on company culture. Professionals won’t feel that their company cares for them, so there’ll be less job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement. Ageism creates an atmosphere of resentment with low morale and less company loyalty too. People won’t want to stay for long in an environment that isn’t supportive and inclusive, meaning turnover rates will increase. This can create a negative feedback loop, since the constant loss of younger or older professionals will hinder productivity and increase age-related stereotypes. Ageism creates a stagnant work environment that is resistant to change. It limits diverse thinking and stops a company from embracing new challenges and opportunities. That means less innovation and creativity, which are essential for the long-term success of a company.
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    【HR术语】什么是工作充实?(What is job enrichment?) 什么是工作充实? 工作丰富化是一种激励策略,其重点是使人们从事的工作更有价值、更令人满意。更具体地说,工作丰富化为个人成就提供了更大的空间、更具挑战性的工作、更多的责任以及个人成长和发展的机会。 我们都希望对自己所从事的工作感觉良好,但只有 15%的人对自己的工作感到投入。这就是工作丰富化发挥重要作用的地方,它能让团队成员更快乐、更有动力。 工作丰富化的例子 人们喜欢挑战、被接受和被重视的感觉。人力资源经理需要采取正确的工作充实策略来持续促进这种感觉,从而培养职场参与度。 那么,该从哪里入手呢?有帮助的是,这些策略可分为四大类和技巧: 增加职位的难度和责任。例如,可以让团队成员在日常工作中拥有更多的自主权或控制权。 增加需要新技能的新任务。这将有助于增加角色的趣味性,促进团队成员的专业和个人发展。 让团队成员参与决策过程。这应该与团队成员的工作或部门相关,能让他们感觉到自己在工作中更有价值、更投入。 提供培训机会,促进职业发展。这样,员工就能在现有技能的基础上更上一层楼,避免停滞不前。 工作丰富化和工作扩大化有什么区别? 工作充实和工作扩展这两个词经常被混淆。我们知道,工作充实是指让工作变得更有趣、更有挑战性、更有回报--其中大部分涉及在工作中增加更有意义的任务。 然而,工作扩大化是指增加工作的广度,增加更多难度或技能水平相似的任务。这被认为是纵向的工作扩展,即在某一技能范围内增加职责,从而减少无聊感,但并不一定能提高工作积极性。 从本质上讲,这两种策略都是为了提高工作满意度,但工作丰富化是通过使工作更复杂、更有价值来实现的,而工作扩大化只是使工作更多样化。 工作丰富化有哪些好处? 以下是丰富工作内容能改善员工体验的好处: 提高工作满意度 当任务变得更加复杂、更有意义时,工作内容的丰富化会使工作更有满足感,从而使团队成员更加快乐,工作环境更加积极向上。 成功留住人才 对工作的满意度意味着你的优秀人才不太可能离开。这可以降低与高离职率相关的成本,也意味着企业在顶尖人才的掌舵下不断向前发展。 减少缺勤 美国雇主每年每小时员工的旷工成本为 3,600 美元。因此,当团队成员有参与感时,他们就会更加投入、更有动力,并随时准备投入最佳工作。 继任规划和职业发展 对员工提出挑战意味着你可以看到他们真正的潜力和能力。大家都知道,从公司内部招聘人才的成本效益要高得多,而丰富工作内容则是一种简便的方法,可以让你感觉到哪些人非常适合在未来担任更高级别的职位。 授权带来生产力 当人们感到自己有能力时,生产力就会开始飙升。授权有助于建立自尊,而自尊来自于自主、信任和责任。 工作丰富化有哪些挑战? 工作丰富化有很多好处,但与任何事情一样,它也伴随着潜在的挑战: 技能组合错位。新的任务和职责必须与团队成员的职业目标相一致。如果团队成员对复杂的任务不感兴趣,或者根本就不在自己的技能范围内,就会导致不满情绪的产生。 增加工作量。如果管理不当,工作丰富化可能会造成任务超负荷,从而导致倦怠。关键是要为员工提供资源和支持,以应对增加的责任。 需要培训和支持。承担新的技能和复杂的任务可能意味着团队成员需要额外的培训和持续的支持。这就需要对预算和资源管理进行细致的前瞻性观察,以确保培训成本不会飙升。 人力资源技术如何帮助丰富工作内容? 人力资源技术可以成为工作丰富化道路上的盟友。它可以帮助识别员工的优势和能力,使他们更容易匹配具有挑战性和满足感的任务和角色。反过来,这也可以通过识别准备好进行角色转换的人员,支持继任规划和职业发展。 提供反馈和认可空间的人力资源平台是工作丰富化的一个关键部分,尤其是在人们追求新技能和接受挑战的时候。为同事点赞是一种很好的激励方式,能让人们对自己的工作感到满意。 与此同时,人力资源平台还可以提供反馈功能,如员工满意度调查。这可以让您监测工作丰富化的效果如何,以及哪些方面需要改变。 以下为文章原文: What is job enrichment? Job enrichment is a motivational strategy that focuses on making the work people do more rewarding and satisfying. More specifically, job enrichment gives greater scope for personal achievement, more challenging work, more responsibility, and the opportunity for personal growth and development. We all want to feel good about the work we’re doing, yet only 15% of people feel engaged with their work. This is where job enrichment plays a vital role, leading to happier, more motivated team members. Examples of job enrichment People like to feel challenged, accepted, and valued. HR managers need to adopt the right job enrichment strategies to facilitate this on an ongoing basis, so they can nurture workplace engagement. So, where to start? Helpfully, these strategies fall into four main categories and techniques: Increasing the level of difficulty and responsibility of a role. This could involve giving a team member more autonomy or control over their day-to-day tasks, for example. Adding new tasks that require new skills. This will help make the role more interesting and add to the team member’s professional and personal development. Making team members part of the decision-making process. This should be related to their job or department and can help people feel more valued and invested in their work. Offering training opportunities to propel career development. So people can build on their existing skillset and stop stagnation from creeping in. What’s the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement? Job enrichment and job enlargement are terms that often get confused. We know that job enrichment is about making a job more interesting, challenging, and rewarding—and much of this involves adding more meaningful tasks into the mix. However, job enlargement involves ramping up the breadth of a job and adding more tasks of a similar level of difficulty or skill. It’s thought of as vertical job expansion, where adding responsibilities within a skillset reduces boredom but doesn’t necessarily increase motivation. In essence, both strategies aim to increase job satisfaction, but job enrichment does it by making a job more complex and rewarding, while job enlargement simply makes a job more varied. What are the benefits of job enrichment? Here are the benefits of job enrichment that will improve the employee experience: Greater job satisfaction When tasks are more complex and meaningful, job enrichment makes the job more satisfying—and you get happier team members and a more positive working environment as a result. Success with retaining talent Satisfaction in a job means your top talent will be less likely to leave. This can reduce the costs that are linked with high turnover rates, and also means that the business keeps moving forward with top talent at the helm. Reduced absenteeism Absenteeism costs U.S. employers $3,600 per hourly employee per year. It makes sense that when team members feel engaged they will be more present, more motivated, and turn up ready to do their best work. Succession planning and career pathing Challenging people means you can see their true potential and capabilities emerge. As you know, it’s far more cost-effective to recruit from within your company—and job enrichment is an easy way to sense-check who would be a great fit for higher-level roles in the future. Empowerment leads to productivity When people feel empowered, productivity starts to soar. Empowerment helps to build self-esteem, which springs from autonomy, trust, and responsibility. What are the challenges with job enrichment? Job enrichment comes with many benefits, but—like everything—it comes with potential challenges: A misalignment of skillsets. It’s important that new tasks and responsibilities are in line with a team member’s career goals. Loading on complex tasks that aren’t of interest, or simply aren’t within a person’s skillset can actually lead to dissatisfaction. Increased workload. When not managed properly, job enrichment can cause an overload of tasks that could result in burnout. It’s key that employees are given the resources and support to handle the increased responsibility. A need for training and support. Taking on new skills and complex tasks may mean a team member needs extra training and ongoing support. This will need careful foresight to watch over budget and resource management to make sure training costs don’t spiral. How can HR tech help with job enrichment? HR tech can be an ally on the road to job enrichment. It can help identify the strengths and abilities of employees, making it easier to match them with tasks and roles that are challenging and satisfying. In turn, this can also support succession planning and career pathing by identifying the people who are ready for a role shift. An HR platform that gives space for feedback and recognition is a key part of job enrichment, especially as people are reaching for new skillsets and taking on challenges. Giving kudos to colleagues can be a great way to motivate and make people feel good about their work. Alongside this, HR platforms can offer a feedback feature such as an employee satisfaction survey. This lets you monitor how well job enrichment is working—and what needs to change.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?) 什么是员工忠诚度? 员工忠诚度是指员工选择长期为公司工作,因为他们喜欢这样做。他们对工作环境感到满意,积极进取,为实现公司目标而努力工作,并相信企业的使命。如果忠诚的员工发现了其他地方的机会,他们就不太可能跳槽。 如果能提高员工忠诚度,不仅能提高员工保留率,还能对企业整体产生积极影响。 为什么员工忠诚度对企业很重要? 员工忠诚度对企业非常重要,因为它对有效的人力资本管理以及企业的整体成功有着巨大的影响。它能为企业带来诸多好处,包括: 提高利润 降低员工流失率 提高生产力和员工参与度 对客户产生积极影响 提升品牌形象 健康的企业文化--因为忠诚的团队成员会以积极的态度感染他人 如何衡量员工忠诚度? 衡量员工忠诚度的方法有: 开展调查。定期开展员工敬业度调查和员工满意度调查,有助于了解员工的工作积极性,以及他们对为公司工作的感受。 计算员工净促进者得分(eNPS)。这是一种评估员工忠诚度的方法,也是一种确定改进方法的方法。 召开一对一会议。鼓励营造一种坦诚的工作环境,让员工能够自如地与经理或其他相关人员进行一对一谈话。这种形式可以是定期、有计划的会议,也可以是非正式的聊天。这是与专业人士沟通,了解他们感受的好方法。 是什么保持了员工的忠诚度? 员工满意度与忠诚度息息相关。人们会对关心他们并拥有积极工作文化的公司感到忠诚。 但究竟是什么让员工保持忠诚呢?有几个共同的特点: 有竞争力的薪酬 专业成长、学习和职业发展的机会 雇主认可员工的成就,并对他们的辛勤工作表示赞赏 积极、友好、没有欺凌的社交办公环境 专业人员可以灵活安排上班时间,也可以自由选择混合工作或远程工作 雇主信任员工的专业知识,让他们有责任做出与工作相关的决定 雇主尊重专业人员,关心他们的个人和职业发展 良好的工作与生活平衡 专业人员拥有有效开展工作所需的一切工具的环境 鼓励员工诚实反馈和开诚布公的雇主 管理团队在日常工作繁忙时提供帮助,让每个人都能感受到支持和站在同一条战线上 忠诚员工如何表现? 忠诚的员工真正关心他们为之工作的公司,因此他们会确保向你提供诚实的建议和反馈,以帮助你改进工作。 他们会充满好奇心,寻找创新和帮助公司发展的方法,同时也愿意倾听和学习。 忠诚的员工对工作充满热情,因此他们的工作效率会更高。他们以出色完成工作为荣,兢兢业业,并愿意在需要时努力工作--他们会付出额外的努力。忠诚的员工是快乐的,他们会对同事和公司文化产生积极影响,鼓励团队精神。事实上,他们的热情会激励团队的其他成员,帮助企业大步向前。 拥有如此强大的影响力,忠诚的员工对企业的成功至关重要。 如何提高公司员工的忠诚度? 一旦您衡量了公司的忠诚度,请确定您可以在哪些方面加以改进。 在员工满意度调查中,工作与生活的平衡是否多次作为建议出现?还是更具竞争力的薪酬?一旦您意识到可以通过哪些方式更好地支持员工,您就可以制定长期战略。想方设法开始实施保持员工忠诚度的共同特征。 请记住,忠诚的基础是你与团队之间牢固、长期的信任关系。这种关系的建立需要时间,因此可能需要一段时间才能看到员工忠诚度的提高。 毕竟,你要改变的是企业文化,这不可能一蹴而就。 您制定的任何战略都可以包括每周为改善企业文化而采取的行动。一个很好的开始就是定期表彰员工,通过每周的奖品--甚至只是一次谈话--来表达你对员工辛勤工作的感激之情。 通过每周的定期行动,你可以向员工表明,你在倾听他们的心声,你关心他们。因为,归根结底,真正重要的是,你和你的管理者要表现出对公司每个人的关心。这样才能培养长期的关系,让员工也关心你,这样才能建立员工的忠诚度。 以下为文章原文: What is employee loyalty? Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere. If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole. Why is employee loyalty important to companies? Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including: Boosted profits Reduced employee turnover Increased productivity and employee engagement A positive impact on customers Improved brand image A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious go to promotion How do you measure employee loyalty? You can measure employee loyalty by: Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you. Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it. Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel. What keeps an employee loyal? Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture. But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features: Competitive pay Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally A good work-life balance An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side How does a loyal employee behave? Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve. They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn. Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward. With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success. How can you improve employee loyalty at your company? Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on. Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal. Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty. After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight. Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation. By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.