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    Adecco集团以1亿美元左右的价格收购美国招聘创业公司Vettery 总部位于瑞士的全球人力资源服务公司Adecco集团今天宣布已收购Vettery。 财务条款没有披露,但知情人士告诉我们,价格略高于1亿美元。 我们已经与Adecco集团联系确认,如果我们收到回复,我们会更新。(更新:一位发言人回应说,该公司没有分享财务细节。)Vettery发言人拒绝发表评论。 Vettery于2014年推出。不久之后,联合创始人Brett Adcock和Adam Goldstein 告诉我,他们希望重塑传统的招聘流程。他们创造了一个市场,在这个市场中,求职者浏览优惠信息,安排与感兴趣的雇主面谈,并在他们找工作时获得Vettery的签名奖金 - 所有这些都由在职员工的“人才高管”提供。 该公司表示,它现在与超过4000名雇主合作填补IT,销售和财务方面的职位。它从Greycroft和Raine Ventures等投资者总共筹集到了1190万美元。  根据Adecco的说法,Adcock和Goldstein将继续领导Vettery团队。 “收购Vettery加快了Adecco集团数字化战略的发展,将我们的产品扩展到快速增长的数字永久性招聘市场,并补充了我们的专业招聘业务,”Adecco集团首席执行官Alain Dehaze在收购发布会上表示。“数字化创新有可能改变招聘行业,而Adecco集团正在率先推出。” 最近Adecco收购的公司包括生命科学人员配备公司BioBridges和职业转型公司Mullin。 Josh Bersin 对此发表评价:Adecco acquisition of vettery for $100M shows tremendous opportunity for "private job marketplaces," a very different model from traditional job boards and advertising. 原文来自:https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/20/adecco-acquires-vettery/   以上由AI翻译完成。 Adecco Group acquires recruiting startup Vettery for $100M The Adecco Group, a global HR services firm headquartered in Switzerland, announced today that it has acquired Vettery. The financial terms were not disclosed, but a source with knowledge of the deal told us that the price was a little over $100 million. (It’s not clear how much of that is cash versus stock.) We’ve reached out to the Adecco Group for confirmation and will update if we hear back. (Update: A spokesperson responded that the company isn’t sharing financial details.) A Vettery spokesperson declined to comment. Vettery was launched in 2014. Shortly after that, co-founders Brett Adcock and Adam Goldstein told me they were hoping to reinvent the traditional recruiting process. They created a marketplace where job candidates browse offers, schedule interviews with the employers that interest them and receive a signing bonus from Vettery when they take a job — all assisted by an on-staff “talent executive.” The company says it now works with more than 4,000 employers to fill positions in IT, sales and finance. It’s raised a total of $11.9 million from investors, including Greycroft and Raine Ventures. According to Adecco, Adcock and Goldstein will continue to lead the Vettery team. “The acquisition of Vettery accelerates the development of the Adecco Group’s digital strategy, broadening our offering into the fast-growing digital permanent recruitment market and complementing our professional recruitment businesses,” said Adecco Group CEO Alain Dehaze in the acquisition release. “Digital innovations have the potential to transform the recruitment industry and the Adecco Group is taking the lead.” Recent Adecco acquisitions include life sciences staffing company BioBridges and career transition firm Mullin.
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    硅谷知名OKR创业公司BetterWorks 陷入性骚扰丑闻、CEO下课、融资受阻,高管团队离职 【猎云网 (图片来自HRTechChina)(微信号:ilieyun)】2月21日报道(编译:田小雪) BetterWorks Systems Inc.是一家来自硅谷的科技初创企业,专门针对公司经理和员工双方提供合适的人力资源软件,于五年前正式成立。 其实,这家公司在硅谷的名气本来并不是很大。可是,从去年的性骚扰丑闻曝光以来,就一直受到大众的关注,可以说自那以后是陷于泥潭、无法脱身。 具体情况是这样的:去年七月份 ,一位名为Beatrice Kim的女性员工(现已离职)一纸诉状将公司告上法庭,声称首席执行官对自己进行了性骚扰以及性侵犯,而且在她上报之后公司相关高层管理人员并未作出应有的反应、采取惩戒性的措施。当时,正值反性骚扰运动#MeToo在全球范围内如火如荼展开之际,因而BetterWorks的这一丑闻一经爆出,就被推到了舆论的风口浪尖。 而这位女性员工口中的首席执行官,正是今年43岁的Kris Duggan,他同时也是这家公司的联合创始人。虽然Duggan本人反驳了这样一项指控,但最后迫于压力还是选择了从公司辞职。他一离职,公司正在推进的融资计划也就受到了影响、遭到了搁置,当即便有十几位客户终止了与该公司的合作伙伴关系。 不仅如此,在丑闻曝光之前,美国知名出版公司企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)有计划出版一本由Duggan和John Doerr二人主笔的图书。后者一方面是知名风险投资机构Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers的资深风险资本家,另一方面是BetterWorks的董事。然而在丑闻爆出之后,该出版公司不得不叫停了这一出版计划。 作为丑闻的主角,BetterWorks自那以后一直在努力挽救公司的声誉和形象,试图摆脱这一事件带来的负面影响,调整自己重新面向公众。就在上个月,公司与Beatrice Kim就此次性骚扰事件达成了一致。与此同时,公司还决定让董事会成员,即现阶段负责一家名为Alfresco Software Inc.的公司日常运营工作的Doug Dennerline,来接替Duggan出任新的首席执行官。不过,据知情人士透露,到目前为止,Doug Dennerline还没有正式接受这一任命。无论是BetterWorks公司还是Dennerline本人,都拒绝针对这一消息给出评论。 除此之外,Doerr和Duggan也都在尽力消除这一丑闻事件对自己造成的影响。但最终,Doerr还是从《Measure What Matters》一书中去除了Duggan的名字。作为出版方,企鹅兰登书屋计划将这本书的出版时间推到下个月,在此之前先出版谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)的书。而似乎陷入低谷的Duggan,目前正在加州帕拉奥图创建另一家新公司。 正当所有人都以为这一丑闻事件正在逐渐从人们视野中消失时,事情又出现了转折,因为又有一位已经离职的女性员工向加州监管机构提交文件,在去年十二月份正式起诉BetterWorks,称公司上级对自己进行性骚扰。这一次,除了Doerr和Duggan,Kleiner Perkins和其他两位高管都遭到了指控。根据内部人士的消息,以及《彭博社》通过公开信息请求拿到的起诉文件副本,这名女性员工称公司高管都对上司性骚扰下属的事情,采取视而不见的态度。 BetterWorks代表律师Lynne Hermle指出,该女性员工这一次的指控,完全是为了谋求经济利益,毫无任何良心和道德可言。她表示:“此次指控当中涉及到很多无辜人士,她将数位与性骚扰事情完全不相关的高管告上法庭,纯属敲诈勒索行为。而且,现在事实非常清楚地摆在我们面前,她根本就是无中生有、想要讹钱。所以,对于这项指控,我们无论是从法律出发,还是从事实出发,都能够在各个方面取得胜利。” 对于第二次的性骚扰指控,Duggan一开始是毫不知情的。后来听说了之后便表示:“对于这样一种情况,我非常无奈,也很沮丧。这根本就不是事实,纯粹是为了钱来的。” Kleiner Perkins则拒绝过多评论,只是表示:“我们一直在一种健康的环境当中,尽自己最大的努力带领公司发展壮大。至于外面那些目的不纯、恶意中伤的人,我是真的控制不了。” 在此之前,无论是第一次性骚扰指控最后的和平解决,还是第二次性骚扰指控的突然出现,都没有相关媒体进行过报道。BetterWorks公司的主要股东和商业合作伙伴,以及之前和现在的员工都表示,由于第一次Kim的官司,公司不仅丢掉了不少生意,还在融资方面遇到了难题。所有这些都表明,员工的性骚扰指控以及公司高管不正确的应对态度和处理措施,都将会对公司产生无法估量的负面影响。 Pamela Mason是一家保险公司的负责人,专门针对成百上千家初创企业以及100多家风险资本公司提供法律诉讼保险。她表示:“现阶段,女性所拥有的自由发言权越来越多,因而也就有越来越多的公司可能会面临性别歧视和性骚扰等罪名的指控。再加上#MeToo这一全球范围内的反性骚扰运动,我们公司的客户也就越来越警惕这一问题。” 据那些不愿意透露姓名的内部人士表示,就在去年夏天的性骚扰指控出现之前,BetterWorks正准备从投资者手中寻求4000万美元左右的投资,几乎是其之前融资的两倍。可指控出现之后,公司的所有融资计划都受到了影响。据几位接受彭博社采访的员工表示,当时那场官司可以说是晴天霹雳。在他们看来,公司的工作环境完全是开放包容的,均以绩效为考核基础,鼓励使用公司自己的软件来进行公开自由的互动交流,同时来进行员工的人事管理。而且,在他们眼中,Kim是一位很受大家欢迎、受同事尊敬的员工。 如果说员工的情绪还算是小事,那么融资出现滞碍,可就真的是大事了。内部人士表示,在丑闻刚爆出来的那几个月中,公司最起码花了100万美元来公关。而且,在没有外部资金进账的情况下,公司的储备金越来越少,在管理上开始走节俭路线。举个例子,当时办公室里的冰箱坏了,公司高管居然表示等几个星期再修。BetterWorks首席财务官Mark Lambert也承认,当时确实出现了财务过度紧缩的状况。 就在丑闻事件曝出之后,公司另一联合创始人Di Wu宣布离职。不过用他的说,自己离职与性骚扰指控并没有关系。但正如上文所说,公司高管一直对员工遭到性骚扰采取不闻不问的态度,这也确实让不少员工在当时选择了辞职。而且,原本由六人构成的高管团队,在官司之后也减少了三人。 知情人士透露,丑闻爆出之后,大概有十几位建立了合作伙伴关系的客户宣布不再使用BetterWorks的软件,从而直接导致公司的年度经常性收益下降了5%到10%,只有少得可怜的1000万美元。不过,好在还有一些长期合作的客户,包括宝马、Intuit Inc.和A+E Networks,仍然选择了信任,没有取消与BetterWorks的合作关系,继续使用该公司的软件来针对员工设定目标,并且追踪员工的日常工作表现。可是,这样一来,想要再额外吸引新客户和新生意,就相当困难了。一直以来,BetterWorks的主要收益来源就是订单。去年,这一指标至少下降了30%。 根据了解官司详情的人表示,上个月公司向Kim支付了100万美元赔偿金。与此同时,Kim则保证不在任何其他场合讨论与这场官司有关的内容。作为公司的早期投资人,Kim现在是一家多样性和包容性咨询公司Awaken的负责人。至于其他具体情况,BetterWorks和Kim都拒绝评论。 其实,处理性骚扰官司是相当费钱的。在美国科技中心加州,输掉一场官司可能就意味着一家公司要支付高昂的败诉费和赔偿金,不论对方律师的要求如何,不论法官的要求如何,都必须要无条件执行。甚至就算一家公司打赢了官司,通常也要付出较高的法律成本。 另外,通常情况下,官司打完之后,提出控诉一方在拿到赔偿金之后,需要签署保密协议,确保他们不再在相同的事情上大做文章,但其实这一协议究竟效果如何,不同人还是有不同看法的。就在最近几个月,加州、纽约州和宾州政府都制定了相关法律政策,全面取消了保密条款。一位名为Connie Leyva的加州议员表示:“有了这一体系,那些有钱人就会直接花钱让原告闭嘴,从而掩盖他们背后真正的恶劣行径。” 总而言之,BetterWorks希望在接下来的几个星期内让Dennerline出任新首席执行官,在成功挽回原有客户的同时,发展一些新的客户,鼓励员工士气,拿到更多融资。其实,Dennerline曾经是软件制造商SuccessFactors的董事长,后来这家公司以34亿美元的价格被SAP SE收购。 本文来自猎云网,如若转载,请注明出处:http://www.lieyunwang.com/archives/413759
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    HRTechChina推出《那年今天》栏目 HRTechChina 特别推出那年今天的栏目,很多用户反馈HRTechChina 网站内容非常丰富,即使是早先的栏目也非常具有价值,为了更好的帮助到大家,我们特别推出《那年今天》的栏目。 这个栏目会将历史上的今天网站更新的信息按照时间倒序的显示推荐给到您,希望可以喜欢。有好的建议,请登录微博,或者微信公众号留言。 截图是2月20日。
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    人工智能如何改变人才获取 How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition 现在大家都在关注招聘AI,并就如何改变招聘方式进行了大量的讨论。招募人工智能是下一代软件,旨在改进或自动化招聘工作流程的某些部分。 作者:Ji-A Min 人工智能对招聘的兴趣已经由三大趋势引发 经济的改善:最近的经济收益创造了一个候选人驱动型市场,这使得人才竞争比以往更加激烈。这一竞争只会继续增加 - LinkedIn调查的 56%的人才招聘领导者认为他们的招聘数量将在2017年增长。 对更好技术的需求:虽然人才招聘预计会增加,但是66%的人才招聘负责人表示他们的招聘团队将保持相同规模甚至缩小规模。这意味着时间有限的招聘人员需要更好的工具来有效地简化或自动化他们的工作流程的一部分,理想情况下用于最耗时的任务。 数据分析的进步:随着技术变得快速和成本效益足以收集和分析大量数据,人才招聘领导者越来越多地要求他们的招聘团队展示基于数据的雇佣质量指标,如新员工的表现和营业额。 人工智能在招聘中越来越受欢迎,这为招聘人员提高他们的能力提供了令人兴奋的机会,但同时也存在很多关于如何最佳利用人才的困惑。 为了帮助您理解这一切,以下是招聘人工智能最有前途的三个应用程序。 应用#1:AI用于候选人采购 候选人采购仍然是一个主要的招聘挑战:最近的一项调查发现,46%的人才招聘领导表示他们的招聘团队正在为吸引合格的候选人而奋斗。 候选人采购人工智能技术可以搜索人们离线的数据(例如简历,专业投资组合或社交媒体档案),以找到符合您工作要求的被动候选人。 这种用于招聘的AI可以简化采购流程,因为它可以同时搜索多个候选人来源。这取代了自己手动搜索它们的需求,并可能节省每个请求的小时数。您节省采购的时间可以用来吸引,预选和面试最强大的候选人。 应用#2:人工智能进行候选人筛选 当您收到的75-88%的简历不合格时,很容易明白为什么简历筛选是招聘中最令人沮丧和耗时的部分。对于零售和客户服务等大批量招聘,大多数招聘团队没有时间手动筛选他们每个公开角色收到的数百到数千份简历。 AI筛选旨在自动执行简历筛选流程。这种智能筛选软件通过使用岗位聘用数据(例如业绩和营业额)为新申请人提供招聘建议,为ATS增添了功能。 它通过应用所学到的关于现有员工的经验,技能和其他资质的信息来自动筛选和评分新候选人,从而提出这些建议。这种类型的技术还可以通过使用关于以前的雇主和候选人的社交媒体档案的公共数据源来丰富简历。 AI进行简历筛选可实现低价值,重复性任务,并允许招聘人员将时间重点放在更高价值的优先事项上,如与候选人交谈并与其进行交流以评估他们的适合度。 应用#3:AI用于候选人匹配 与采购相比,候选人匹配可能是一个更大的挑战:52%的招聘人员表示,他们工作中最难的部分是从大型申请人池中确定合适的人选。 用于候选人匹配的AI使用一种算法来识别打开的请求的最强匹配。匹配算法分析候选人的个性特征,技能和工资偏好等多种数据来源,根据工作要求自动评估候选人。 例如,LinkedIn求职公告通过将求职者描述中的技能与其LinkedIn个人资料中的申请人技能进行匹配来对候选人进行排名。人才市场使用匹配算法来匹配候选人社区以开放角色。这些人才市场通常迎合特定的候选技能,如软件开发或销售。 人工智能匹配用于从那些已经加入并且正在积极寻找新角色或者对新机会非常开放的人中找出最合格的候选人。这意味着招聘人员不需要浪费时间来吸引那些对新角色不感兴趣的被动应聘者。 关于人工智能的力量,让候选人与工作岗位相匹配的不同观点,请参阅“ 尽管您阅读或听取的内容,采购活动和确实如此”。 AI和招聘的未来 专家预测人工智能招聘会转变招聘人员的角色。由于低价值,耗时的招聘任务通过人工智能技术变得简化和自动化,招聘人员的角色有可能变得更具战略性。 了解AI如何提高其能力的招聘人员将通过在采购,简历筛选和候选人匹配方面节省几十个小时,从而提高效率。 人工智能招聘承诺释放招聘人员与候选人交流的时间,以确定合适人选,并确定候选人的需求并希望说服他们担任角色。它有可能授权他们与招聘经理和人才招聘领导者合作,根据未来增长和收入计划积极的招聘举措,而不是反应性回填。 了解如何最好地利用这项新技术的招聘人员将获得更高的KPI,如更高的招聘质量和更低的营业额。    以上由AI翻译完成。供参考 How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition AI for recruiting is on everyone’s mind these days with a lot of talk on how it’s going to transform recruiting. Artificial intelligence for recruiting is the next generation of software designed to improve or automate some part of the recruiting workflow. Interest in AI for recruiting has been sparked by three major trends: The improving economy: The recent economic gains have created a candidate-driven market that’s made competing for talent tougher than ever. This competition will only continue to increase – 56% talent acquisition leaders surveyed by LinkedIn believe their hiring volume will grow in 2017. The need for better technology: Although hiring is predicted to increase, 66% of talent acquisition leaders state their recruiting teams will stay the same size or even shrink. This means time-constrained recruiters need better tools to effectively streamline or automate a part of their workflow, ideally for tasks that are the most time-consuming. The advancements in data analytics: As technology becomes fast and cost-effective enough to collect and analyze vast quantities of data, talent acquisition leaders are increasingly asking their recruiting teams to demonstrate data-based quality of hire metrics such as new hires’ performance and turnover. The growing popularity of AI for recruiting represents exciting opportunities for recruiters to enhance their capabilities but there’s also a lot of confusion about how to best leverage it. To help you make sense of it all, here are the three most promising applications for AI for recruiting. Application #1: AI for candidate sourcing Candidate sourcing is still a major recruiting challenge: a recent survey found 46% of talent acquisition leaders say their recruiting teams struggle with attracting qualified candidates. AI for candidate sourcing is technology that searches for data people leave online (e.g., resumes, professional portfolios, or social media profiles) to find passive candidates that match your job requirements. This type of AI for recruiting streamlines the sourcing process because it can simultaneously search through multiple sources of candidates for you. This replaces the need to manually search them yourself and potentially saves you hours per req. The time you save sourcing can be spent attracting, pre-qualifying, and interviewing the strongest candidates instead. Application #2: AI for candidate screening When 75-88% of the resumes you receive are unqualified, it’s easy to see why resume screening is the most frustrating and time-consuming part of recruiting. For high-volume recruitment such as retail and customer service roles, most recruiting teams just don’t have the time to manually screen the hundreds to thousands of resumes they receive per open role. AI for screening is designed to automate the resume screening process. This type of intelligent screening software adds functionality to the ATS by using post-hire data such as performance and turnover to make hiring recommendations for new applicants. It makes these recommendations by applying the information it learned about existing employees’ experience, skills, and other qualifications to automatically screen and grade new candidates. This type of technology can also enrich resumes by using public data sources about previous employers and candidates’ social media profiles. AI for resume screening automates a low-value, repetitive task and allows recruiters to re-focus their time on higher value priorities such as talking and engaging with candidates to assess their fit. Application #3: AI for candidate matching Candidate matching can be an even bigger challenge than sourcing: 52% of recruiters say the hardest part of their job is identifying the right candidates from a large applicant pool. AI for candidate matching uses an algorithm to identify the strongest matches for your open req. Matching algorithms analyze multiple sources of data such as candidates’ personality traits, skills, and salary preferences to automatically assess candidates against the job requirements. For example, a LinkedIn job posting ranks candidates by matching the skills on your job description to applicants’ skills on their LinkedIn profiles. Talent marketplaces use matching algorithms to match their community of candidates to open roles. These talent marketplaces usually cater to specific candidate skill sets such as software development or sales. AI for matching is used to identify the most qualified candidates from those who have opted-in and are either actively looking for a new role or are very open to a new opportunity. This means recruiters don’t need to waste time trying to attract passive candidates who just aren’t interested in a new role.
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    您将在2018年看到10个工作场所趋势   每年我都会对即将到来的一年的前十名职场趋势进行预测。其目的是通过收集,评估和报告最能影响它们的趋势来帮助组织准备未来。您可以从阅读我预测 2013, 2014,2015年,2016年 和2017年。这些趋势是基于与管理人员和员工的数百次对话,来自450多个不同研究来源(包括大学,咨询公司,非营利组织,政府和贸易协会)的一系列国家和全球在线调查和二次研究。 所有经济指标均显示2018年美国经济持乐观态度。劳工统计局预测失业率将从2017年的4.3%持续下滑至2018年的4.2%,总体预测为2050万个就业岗位到2020年。虽然大部分职业预计会增长,但明年增长最快的是医疗,个人护理,社会援助和建筑业。老年工人的劳动力参与率将增加,但整体劳动力增长率将在明年下降。美国工资 预计将从2017年的3.1%上升到2018年的3.2%。预计国内生产总值将从2017年的2.3%增加到2018年的2.5%。 2018年的主要工作场所趋势包括:   1.领导者鼓励更多的人际交往。公司将继续推广他们的工作空间并进行设计,以促进员工之间的人际关系。IBM停止了他们的远程工作计划,将数千名支持其品牌的核心团队的员工推回办公室。苹果的创新设施旨在促进员工关系,想法共享和协作。Google咖啡厅旨在鼓励跨部门和团队的员工之间的互动。三家公司都发现,当员工在物理环境中互相碰撞时,会激发创造力和建立关系,从而产生积极的结果。一项研究发现,同事之间的谈话时刻可以提高20%的表现另一项研究 发现,72%拥有最好朋友的员工对他们的工作更满意。在我们的研究中,我们与任仕达合作,发现Gen Z和千禧一代选择使用技术进行面对面的对话,并选择企业办公室进行远程办公。虽然技术可以使我们更有效率,并且感觉彼此高度相关,但它永远不会取代面对面的对话。鼓励个人关系的领导者将有更多的承诺,满意和生产力的工人。研究人员Mahdi Roghanizad和Vanessa K. Bohns 发现一次面对面的对话相当于34封电子邮件。你会看到更多的公司明年撤回他们的远程办公计划,以及更重视电话,视频会议和面对面会议的领导者。 2.下一波的考证的浪潮。受影响最大的行业之一是教育,更多的第三方提供的课程,证书和认证比以往任何时候都多。现在,LinkedIn Learning,Coursera,edX,Udemy,Udacity,The Khan Academy等提供了丰富的在线课程。皮尤研究报告自我导向学习正在推动对新认证体系的需求。越来越多的员工将接受不同类型的凭证,因为他们试图建立多元化的人才库并扩大其影响力。每四名成年人中就有三分之一同意个人有责任确保劳动力在当今的经济环境中拥有合适的技能和教育才能取得成功,而只有52%的大学和49%的雇主拥有这些技能和教育。由于日益增加的学费成本增长了9%,年轻一代开始抵制传统学位从去年开始为四年制公立学校。一些学校完全避免大学,并且正在追求这些免费或低成本的在线课程,这些课程提供足够的重要技能教育以获得。随着公司继续接受非传统证书,学生将能够避免债务,并在自己方便的时候学习,而不用担心失业。 3.公司专注于提升和培训现有员工。 虽然政治讨论的重点是将制造业工作带回美国,而新闻媒体将继续发表关于自动化将如何消除就业的文章,但我们应该真正关注日益增长的技能差距。美国目前有620万个新员工空缺,比2016年同期的560万增加。公司无法在正确的时间找到合适的员工,这些员工在正确的时间拥有合适的技能,从而减缓了增长速度在经济中。全国独立商业联合会报告称,45%的小企业无法找到合格的候选人来填补职位空缺,60%的雇主有12个星期或更长时间的空缺职位,每年因丧失生产力和广告费而花费800,000美元。在我们目前的经济体中,变化发生得比以往任何时候都快,学习技能的半衰期仅为五年。随着越来越多的行业被打乱,各公司正在发展其业务模式以适应新的客户需求。例如,AT&T通知他们的10万雇员,他们的工作角色在十年内不会相关,随后创建了劳动力2020计划,投资超过10亿美元,以帮助提升员工基数。我们不仅缺乏正确的技能,而且我们目前拥有的技能随着时间的推移逐渐变得不那么重要。 接近一半人们每天付费完成的所有任务都有可能被自动化,多项研究表明总人数将减少12%到50%。2018年,雇主将投入更多资金到他们的培训和发展计划中,以填补他们的技能差距并达到他们的全部能力。IBM发现,表现最好的组织中有84%的员工正在接受他们需要的培训,而在表现最差的组织中只有16%的员工正在接受培训。如果团队经过适当的培训,公司每年平均节省70,000美元,生产力提高10%。随着Z世代进入工作场所,他们面临更大的技能差距,他们需要填补的工作中65%甚至还不存在。 4.人工智能进一步进入工作场所。 人力资源部门最大的话题就是人工智能,因为这个话题既有兴奋又有恐惧,因为它涉及到我们如何做我们的工作。几乎每个新设备和服务都将在未来几年内包含人工智能。谷歌,Facebook,亚马逊,微软,苹果和其他公司都致力于使用AI创建更智能的产品,现在有超过1000家AI供应商支持所有类型的公司和人员。作为世界经济论坛“ 全球塑造者研究”的一部分“,他们向千禧一代询问全球下一个重大技术趋势是什么,近三分之一的人工智能是AI。由AI推动的Chatbots将在2018年继续渗透到工作场所.Chartbots是促进文本对话的程序,预计每年为公司节省超过7900万美元的薪资支出,并且使用它们的效率超过30%,近20%的公司已经在工作场所部署了聊天机器人,预计到2021年将达到57%。公司正在使用聊天机器人个人助理,为按需客户支持,挖掘数据,简化业务流程,回收的产品信息,并回答员工的问题。例如在Overstock,他们有一个叫做Mila的聊天机器人,让管理人员知道员工何时生病,而在英特尔,他们使用人力资源虚拟助理来回答有关薪酬和福利的问题。随着越来越多的员工看到chatbots和AI的效率优势,他们将以更快的速度采用。 5.优先考虑金融和心理健康。随着78%的美国人生活月光族和学生贷款债务超过1.4万亿$,工人们正在苦苦挣扎,它的影响身体健康。工人们感到压力很大,不仅影响他们的生产力,而且影响他们对工作的满意度。西北互惠公司报告说,超过四分之一的千禧一代认为财务压力影响他们的工作表现,并使他们感到身体不适和沮丧。近一半的员工有财务问题,导致他们每年平均失去六个工作日。因此,有很多公司正在帮助员工偿还学生贷款以缓解其财务负担,其中包括富达,普华永道,安泰,Penguin Randomhouse和Chegg。精神健康长期以来一直是工作场所的耻辱,现在正变得越来越普遍和被领导者接受。现在,人力资源部门担当着心理健康顾问的角色,帮助那些患有抑郁症,焦虑症,双相情感障碍和多动症等各种心理健康问题的员工。尽管这些疾病中有许多是隐藏的,但84%的员工经历过心理健康欠佳的身体,心理或行为症状。像抑郁症这样的症状会导致大约五个错过工作日 和每三个月减少11.5天的生产力,每年损失2亿美元的工作日,导致总体生产力损失达到1700亿美元至440亿美元。在关于Madalyn Parker的故事发生后,许多公司开始围绕这个话题进行真正的认真对话,这位网站开发人员的经理正在接受她的心理健康日。例如,普华永道提供全天候的咨询服务,精神卫生工具包和一组六名精神卫生倡导者,以支持工作场所心理健康的去污名化。 6.员工倦怠导致更多人员流失。员工因工作时间延长而无法获得额外补偿,同时公司也录得创纪录的利润。全职员工平均每周工作47小时,任期从2016年的4.6下降到2017年的4.2。根据权利管理,超过三分之一的员工从管理层获得非工作时间电子邮件,几乎有10%的人可以收到电子邮件假期。技术已经扩大了工作日,并迫使员工在工作期间花更多时间获得相同的薪水并且没有奖金。在一项研究中与Kronos合作,我们发现几乎有一半的人力资源部门领导表示员工职业倦怠是其年度劳动力流失率的一半。他们认为职业倦怠是由不公平的薪酬,不合理的工作量和过多的工作时间造成的。即使在美国以外,工作蠕变已成为一个主要的就业问题,以至于法国政府颁布立法,赋予工人“ 脱离权利 ”。为了防止员工职业倦怠,公司专注于制定健康和灵活性计划,让他们能够抽出时间并保持健康。 7.人力决定影响消费者行为。多年来,人力资源和人才领导者都希望在座席上有一席之地,影响CEO的议程。现在,随着我公司和其他公司的大数据和新研究的出现,他们最终可以将积极的员工和候选人的经验和实际收入相联系。在一项与CareerArc 的研究中,我们发现候选人体验实际上影响了消费者的行为。64%的求职者表示,糟糕的求职经历会使他们不太可能向雇主购买商品和服务。尽管91%的雇主同意候选人的体验会影响消费者的购买决定,但只有26%的人会衡量这种影响。根据CareerBuilder独立研究他们发现如果没有得到他们的申请回复,58%的员工从他们申请的公司购买的可能性较小。除了候选人的行为,当企业没有投资于他们的招聘和培训计划时,他们就失去了顶尖人才,最终导致资金和生产力的损失。 8.公司更加重视多样性。虽然多元化主题已成为多年来的话题,但它几乎已经到了一个临界点,企业正在投入资金改善员工队伍的构成。部分原因在于Google工程师的一份十页文档的病毒式传播违背了他的雇主多元化计划。他认为,女性在技术上的代表性不足,并不是因为她们在工作场所面临偏见和歧视,而是因为性别之间的心理差异。树液审查了他们自己的性别工资差距,并考虑了多年的经验,过去的表现和员工的地点等几个因素。当他们发现性别报酬出现差异时,他们进行了调整,他们花费了大约100万美元增加薪水以缩小差距。越来越多的公司正在建立员工资源小组来支持所有类型的多样性,包括性别,种族和年龄。他们觉得这些支持团体将有助于促进拥有不同类型员工基础的积极方面。我们将看到更多的公司,特别是硅谷的公司,明年将取得重大进展,以促进多元化,因为他们拥有不到5%的非洲裔美国员工,并不断受到审查。 9.放宽对劳动法的管制。 在目前的行政管理下,越来越多的劳动法正在放松管制,这会给企业带来成本,并影响他们促进多样性和保护工人权利的能力。在与Kronos合作的一项研究中,我们发现超过一半的人认为每次监管变更平均花费高达10万美元。超过三分之二的人表示,在过去的一年中,合规性变得更加昂贵,74%的受访者表示合规性比十年前更加昂贵。在目前的管理下,64%的受访者表示他们预计劳动相关法规的复杂性会更加复杂,而只有14%的受访者表示他们不那么复杂。Nathan Mehrens 正在运作DOL监管改革办公室,该办公室旨在重新考虑政府法规,并将奥巴马加入法律的很多内容删除。白宫正在取消一项规定,要求公司按种族,性别和种族报告工人赔偿,另一项规定迫使公司记录工伤事故。这些与成本公司同时放松管制并节省资金 - 但大多数对于工人来说真的很糟糕。 10.老龄化的劳动力。劳动力正在持续老龄化,婴儿潮出生的人比前几代人活得更久,并在晚些时候退休。每四名美国人中就有三名计划在退休年龄前工作,近三分之二的人表示他们将继续兼职工作。皮尤研究公司估计,到65年代中期,65岁及以上的人口数量预计将从2010年的5.31亿增加到2010年的15亿,美国老年人口数量预计将增加一倍多,从41万增加到86万。中国的时间和接近三倍,从2010年的8.3%上升到2050年的24%。每天有大约一万名婴儿潮出生的人每天转65次,但不到一半人表示他们预计将退休65岁。只有三分之一以上的公司正在为预计年长员工数量的增加做准备,这将给企业带来退休福利,医疗保健和机会均等等重大成本。随着婴儿潮一代保持其领导地位,年轻员工在组织中站稳脚跟将更难,并可能导致更高的营业额,压力和挫折感。 Dan Schawbel是主题演讲人,也是纽约时报畅销书“促进你自己和我2.0”的作者。 Dan Schawbel :是Future Workplace的一名合伙人兼研究总监,Future Workplace是一家致力于重新思考和重新构想工作场所的高管发展公司。 还写了“纽约时报”畅销书“促进你自己”和“我2.0”。2012年,我被“福布斯”杂志评选为“30岁以下名单”。作者是福布斯撰稿人。所表达的意见是作者的意见。
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    在争夺最佳人才方面,员工的体验越来越重要Josh Bersin教你五大策略来最大化员工体验 在争夺最佳人才方面,员工的体验越来越重要,人力资源需要关注授权,发展和吸引人才进入热门就业市场的核心优势,Josh Bersin写道。 作者:Josh Bersin 我们生活在有趣的时代。几十年来,全球经济第一次增长。失业率几乎处于30年来的最低点,薪水终于开始上涨,雇主正在积极争夺一套新的技能(“机器学习技巧”现在是LinkedIn领域最热门的工作,需求增加在过去五年中近10倍)。 但是这个地平线上有一片小小的灰色云。正如我在2000年股市崩盘时所记得的那样,在非常高的经济增长时期,就业市场变得非常困难,雇主不得不改变他们的策略。 突然之间,每个人都在争夺同样的人才(大会董事会首席执行官的研究表明,“找到并留住人才”现在已成为首席执行官的头号问题),企业开始担心人力资源战略和领导力,以及求职者开始快速跳来跳去。事实上,具有按需技能的人突然开始像电影明星一样行事,游说高薪,比较雇主,并进一步推动公司改善他们的就业品牌。 对于人力资源领导者来说,“员工体验”的整个主题突然成为一个成败的问题。如果你的公司没有得到很好的尊重,在社交媒体网站上获得高评价,并被认为是“不断增长的工作场所”,你会发现吸引人才越来越难。当然,大多数人不会经常换工作,但拥有非常独特技能的人开始走动。销售人员,工程师,产品专家甚至入门级员工开始转向增长最快的公司,使得发展缓慢的公司陷入低谷。 “对于人力资源领导者来说,'员工体验'的整个主题突然成为一个决定性的问题” 人力资源的新挑战 这种情况的问题在于它对人力资源造成了全新的压力。突然间,公司突出了员工体验,生产力,参与度,留存率,福利,奖励以及诸如福利,附加福利,工作环境以及免费午餐,免费晚餐,免费洗衣等各种奇怪的事情。免费健身房和锻炼项目。在我住的硅谷,如果你不给人们美味的早餐,午餐,(经常晚餐),你根本无法吸引工程师。这种不断升级的战争利益不断增加。 在我的职业生涯中,我经历了许多这样的循环,而且我的个人经历表明,许多人只是继续耕耘,留在原地,从经济改善中受益。但高潜力和领导者可以轻松找到新工作,所以我们必须密切关注他们。大多数公司正在重新设计他们的继任管理计划,促进人才流动性,入职培训,按需学习和职业发展,因此需要做很多事情。 最糟糕的是,正如我在2001年和2008年所记得的那样,这一切最终都会崩溃。在未来的某个时候,全球增长将停止,我们都会怀疑这些昂贵的,以员工为中心的计划是否可以承受。我记得我们2008年IMPACT会议的主题是“少用少得多”。我们现在不在这里,但最终会来。 重新调整员工体验策略 人力资源是否准备好了?绝对。我一直在与世界上一些最具标志性和重要性的公司会面,他们的人力资源团队重新关注职业管理,员工体验,新奖励计划以及各种有趣的数字生产力和福利策略。 让我们都在这里享受美好时光。是的,这个热门的就业市场造成了很大的压力,但如果你专注于赋权,发展和引人入胜的核心优势 - 你就会蓬勃发展。现在云层在地平线上,让我们享受阳光吧。 “如果你不给人们美味的早餐,午餐(经常晚餐),你根本无法吸引工程师” 5个最大化新全球经济中员工体验的策略 关注就业品牌。了解并研究候选人如何看待你的公司,并将这些信息反馈给首席执行官和高级商业领袖,以便推动管理层改进文化,参与度和工作环境。 保持当前的工资和福利。现在我认为公司必须每六个月刷新一次奖励计划。每年都不够快。我曾经和那些给员工半年一次审查和加薪的公司谈过,即使这在某些情况下可能还不够。现在公布大量的薪酬信息 - 员工可以找到它,所以您应该领先于此。 重点了解员工的旅程,并关注端到端的员工体验。这意味着从候选人到新员工到第一天,第一个月,第一季度,第一年,第一次促销等等。设计思维的概念现在已经被很好地理解,因此您需要使用它们来构建一种数字化的体验,以帮助人们在职业生涯中茁壮成长。 重新设计您的L&D战略。今年是2018年,采用微型学习策略的一年,更新您的LMS和工具,并深入了解“工作流程中的学习”的概念。我很快就会写更多内容 - 但让我提醒你,当人们觉得自己“没有学习”时,他们会离开公司。你可以解决这个问题。 通知首席执行官和高层领导。让他或她知道你的留任率,聘用的难度,以及哪些业务领域正面临人才短缺或技能差距。如果您需要聘用更多招聘人员,投资新的开发计划,或从根本上改变工作模式以适应,您需要他们的帮助才能迅速动员。在竞争激烈的时期,首席执行官希望尽其所能帮助,所以要抓住机遇。 图片来源:iStock 以上由AI自动翻译,原文请阅读:   Josh Bersin’s top 5 strategies to maximise the employee experience The employee experience is increasingly important in the battle for the best talent, and HR needs to focus on core strengths of empowering, developing and engaging people in a hot jobs market, writes Josh Bersin We are living in interesting times. For the first time in decades the entire global economy is growing. Unemployment rates are almost at a 30 year low, salaries are finally starting to rise, and employers are competing vigorously for a new set of skills (“machine learning skills” are now the hottest according to LinkedIn, a job that has increased in demand by almost 10 times in the last five years.) But there is a small grey cloud over this horizon. As I remember quite well during the 2000 stock market crash, during very high growth economic times the job market becomes very difficult and employers have to shift their strategies. Suddenly everyone is competing for the same talent (Conference Board CEO research indicates that “finding and retaining talent” is now the #1 issue on the mind of CEOs), companies start to worry about HR strategies and their leadership pipeline, and job candidates start hopping around quickly. In fact people with in-demand skills suddenly start to behave like movie stars, lobbying for high salaries, comparing employers, and further pushing companies to improve their employment brand. For HR leaders the whole topic of the “employee experience” suddenly becomes a make or break issue. If your company is not well respected, highly rated on social media websites, and considered a “growing place to work,” you find it harder and harder to attract talent. Sure most people don’t change jobs that often, but people with very unique skills start to move around. Salespeople, engineers, products specialists, and even entry-level employees start to move to the fastest growing companies, leaving the slow growth companies in waves. “For HR leaders the whole topic of the ’employee experience’ suddenly becomes a make or break issue” New challenges for HR The problem with this situation is that it creates a whole new stress on HR. Suddenly companies are focused on the employee experience, productivity, engagement, retention, benefits, rewards, and things like well-being, fringe benefits, the work environment, and all sorts of strange things like free lunch, free dinner, free laundry, and free gym and exercise programs. Here in Silicon Valley, where I live, if you don’t give people a gourmet breakfast, lunch, (and often dinner) you simply cannot attract engineers. This escalating war of benefits keeps going up. I’ve been through many of these cycles in my career, and my personal experiences shows that many people just plow along and stay where they are, benefiting from the improved economy. But high potentials and leaders can find new jobs easily, so we have to watch them closely. And most companies are re-engineering their programs for succession management, facilitated talent mobility, onboarding, on-demand learning, and career development, so there is a lot to do. And worst of all, as I remember in the year 2001 and 2008, this all will eventually come to a crashing end. Sometime in the future this global growth will stop, and we will all wonder if these expensive, employee-centric programs are affordable. I remember the theme of our 2008 IMPACT conference was “doing less with less.” We aren’t there now, but it will come eventually. Refocusing strategies on the employee experience Is HR ready for this? Absolutely. I have been traveling around meeting with some of the most iconic and important companies in the world, and their HR teams are refocusing on career management, the employee experience, new rewards programs, and all sorts of interesting digital productivity and wellbeing strategies. Let’s all enjoy the good times while they’re here. Yes, this hot job market creates a lot of stress, but if you focus on your core strengths of empowering, developing, and engaging people – you will thrive. The clouds are out on the horizon for now, let’s enjoy the sun. “If you don’t give people a gourmet breakfast, lunch, (and often dinner) you simply cannot attract engineers” 5 strategies for maximising the employee experience in the new global economy Focus on employment brand. Understand and study how candidates view your company, and bring this information back to your CEO and top business leaders so you can push your management to improve culture, engagement, and the work environment. Keep salaries and benefits current. Right now I believe companies have to refresh their rewards programs every six months. Annually is just no fast enough. I’ve talked with companies that give employees reviews and raises semi-annually and even this may not be enough in some cases. A tremendous amount of compensation information is now public – employees can find it so you should get ahead of this. Focus on understanding the employee journey, and focus on the end-to-end employee experience. This means everything from candidate to new hire to first day, first month, first quarter, first year, first promotion, and on. The concepts of design thinking are well understood now, so you need to use them to build a digital-enabled experience that helps people thrive throughout their career. Re-engineer your L&D strategy. This year, 2018, is the year to adopt a micro-learning strategy, refresh your LMS and tools, and get behind the concepts of “learning in the flow of work.” I’ll be writing a lot more on this soon – but let me remind you, people leave companies when they feel they are “not learning.” You can fix this. Keep the CEO and senior leadership informed. Let him or her know your retention rate, how hard it is to hire, and what areas of the business are suffering from talent shortages or skills gaps. You will need their help to mobilise quickly if you need to hire more recruiters, invest in a new development program, or radically change job models to adapt. In times of competitive growth CEOs want to do everything they can to help, so take advantage of the opportunity. Image source: iStock
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    如何成为招聘营销人员?How to Become a Recruitment Marketer 对招聘营销和雇主品牌有兴趣,但不知道如何推动你在这个方向上的职业生涯?不要再看!我们采访了三位专业人士,他们成功创造了明亮的招聘营销职业,以了解他们如何登上他们的第一场演出,以及你如何也能成功。 由 Kaitlyn Holbein 撰写 以下是我们的受访者以及他们成为招聘营销人员的三大秘诀: Lane Sutton是RallyRM导师和招聘营销超级巨星。Lane 于2015年在Sprinklr发现了招聘营销。今天,Lane 在完成学位的同时支持迪士尼的招聘营销计划。Lane负责内容策划,战略以及人才市场调查。Lane也是一位备受追捧并备受推崇的演讲者,他在众多的营销和人才招聘会议上分享了他的见解。 提示#1 - 营销人员,马上进入! Lane的职业生涯最初始于市场营销。他的第一次实习是在HubSpot,在那里Lane提高了他的社交精明度。在Sprinklr,该团队热衷于让Lane将他的社交媒体营销技巧应用于他们的招聘需求。 “我起初对此犹豫不决,”莱恩承认道。“我不知道关于人力资源的事情。然而,我决定跳进去,很快就被抓住了。招聘营销基本上都是将你已经知道的营销策略和策略应用于候选人而不是客户。如果你来自营销背景,转型并不难。“ 提示#2 - 开始联网 “接触已经在太空工作的人,”Lane建议道。“许多人愿意和你谈谈他们的角色,职业生涯和他们工作的公司。您将获得有价值的信息并建立您的网络,这样人们就可以开始为您的团队未来的机会考虑您。“ 制定招聘营销链接并获得一些知情人士的一种方法是申请RallyRM导师计划。免费课程将希望培养其招聘营销技巧的人员与像Lane这样的导师进行匹配,他们帮助他人发展事业并自信地引导新策略。 提示#3 - 将招聘营销工作融入您当前的角色 Lane说:“越来越多的入门级招聘营销工作变得可用。“如果你的公司还没有人在做招聘营销,那么这是你的机会!开始接受项目建立一个案例在你的组织中发挥这样的角色。 “例如,如果您是招聘人员或招聘协调员,您可以询问您的经理是否可以尝试解决并改善特定的候选人体验问题。如果你在营销部门,你可以联系Talent Acquisition,看看你能否帮助他们改进他们的职业生涯内容战略。“ 莱恩说,能够显示领导力,从你的工作中获得的收获可能会导致创建你的梦想职位 - 或者至少它会帮助你建立可转移的经验,在申请招聘营销职位时可以给你一个优势另一个组织。 Delaney Rader是Vanguard的招聘营销专家,她负责管理招聘博客,定义战略,采购和创建精彩内容。Delaney在加入Vanguard之前出席了亚利桑那大学。在亚利桑那大学期间,Delaney曾担任校园娱乐部的营销助理,同时还在Vanguard的雇主品牌和招聘营销团队实习。 德莱尼的重要提示: 提示#1 - 您可能隐藏了招聘营销经验 考虑到她在Vanguard之前的日子,Delaney意识到她在成为招聘营销人员之前拥有招聘营销经验。 “在大学期间,我是商业联盟的一员,”Delaney解释道。“我帮助制作和发行传单,每年招聘新成员。我会鼓励任何想要在招聘营销中开始职业生涯的人去思考他们是否有经验可以为自己打开一扇门。“ 提示#2 - 与团队见面并挑选他们的大脑 “如果你为一个拥有完整的招聘营销团队的组织工作,或者甚至是一个管理招聘营销的人,看看你是否可以与他们见面,提出问题并开始学习。把自己放在他们的雷达上,让他们知道你对他们在做什么感兴趣。激情有很长的路要走,他们可能会想你下一次开放!“ 提示#3 - 发展你的技能,让你的脚在你身上 Delaney指出:“招聘营销人员需要的一些关键技能可以通过很多方式进行开发。“考虑如何提高你的沟通技巧,以及如何获得任何营销经验。如果你属于一个俱乐部或团队,你可以为他们管理社交饲料吗?你能帮助网站或自愿组织一个活动吗?这些都是非常棒的技能和丰富的经验,可以帮助您逐渐成长为理想的招聘营销人选。“ Ted Nehrbas是汤森路透的人才品牌营销专家。在他目前的职位上,特德执行了一系列战略,以吸引汤森路透品牌的人才,包括管理公司所有关注职业的社交媒体账户。在Thomson Reuters工作之前,Ted曾是SmashFly的招聘营销专家。他第一次真正进入招聘营销是在2015 年,一家名为Happie的创业公司成为招聘营销实习生。 特德的重要提示: 提示#1 - 招聘人员也可以成为招聘营销人员 有很多职业路径可以导致招聘营销。实践招聘经验也是非常好的。 “在Happie实习期间,我花时间积极招聘,”Ted解释道。“这种招聘经验为我后来的招聘营销职位提供了一些最有价值的见解。我学会了候选人如何思考,他们的痛点是什么以及如何在我的组织中出售它们。这些都是我今天工作的所有领域。“ 提示#2 - 继续发展自己的品牌和社交媒体 “接受Twitter,LinkedIn和Instagram,并开始积极主动,”Ted建议道。“你从0到300名追随者获得的技能与你在社交媒体营销中用于招聘的技能类型相同。 “我也建议你逐渐熟悉,如免费工具Canva [图形设计],Crowdfire [社会战略],和股票照片网站,如Picjumbo和Stockvault。这些工具将帮助您制作内容营销资产,如博客和社交帖子,这些对于招聘营销策略来说越来越有价值。内容营销吸引候选人并传达他们为什么应考虑加入贵公司。“ 提示#3 - 在申请工作时记住自己的候选人经历 “考虑激起你对公司兴趣的第一件事。注意那些让你对应用程序感到恼火的东西。如果你开始有意识地考虑自己的候选人经历,那么你会想出很多伟大的想法,你可以用它们来面试或为招聘营销角色定位。“ 底线是有很多方法可以获得经验并成为招聘营销人员!来自任何专业或学术背景的人都可以在招聘营销方面有出色表现,如果他们花时间在社交媒体和内容营销方面发展相关技能,与业内人士建立联系并寻找导师,并发展他们的个人品牌。 最后,感谢所有受访者的时间和提示!我们希望这种洞察力对您有所帮助,我们很高兴您正在考虑成为一名招聘营销人员。这是一个令人兴奋的新职业,我们拥有的人才越多,我们就越能够向前发展并积极影响人才招聘行业! 以上有AI自动翻译。HRTechChina倾情呈现。     Interested in Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding, but not sure how to drive your career in that direction? Look no further! We interviewed three professionals who have successfully created bright Recruitment Marketing careers to find out how they landed their first gig and how you can too. Here are our interviewees and each of their top three tips to become a Recruitment Marketer: Lane Sutton is a RallyRM Mentor and a Recruitment Marketing superstar. Lane discovered Recruitment Marketing at Sprinklr in 2015. Today, Lane supports Recruitment Marketing initiatives for Disney while finishing his degree. Lane works on content planning, strategy, as well as talent market research. Lane’s also a sought-after and highly regarded speaker, who has shared his insights at numerous Marketing and Talent Acquisition conferences. Tip #1 – Marketers, jump right in! Lane’s career initially started out in Marketing. His first internship was with HubSpot, where Lane boosted his social savvy. At Sprinklr, the team was keen to have Lane apply his social media marketing skills to their recruitment needs. “I was hesitant about this at first,” admits Lane. “I didn’t know a thing about HR. However, I decided to jump in and caught on really quickly. Recruitment Marketing is basically all about applying the marketing tactics and strategies you already know to candidates instead of customers. If you come from a Marketing background, the transition isn’t hard.” Tip #2 – Start networking “Reach out to people already working in the space,” advises Lane. “Many will be willing to speak with you about their role, their career journey and the company they work for. You’ll get valuable info and build your network so people can start to think about you for future opportunities on their teams.” One way to make a Recruitment Marketing connection and gain some insider intel is to apply to the RallyRM Mentor Program. The free program matches people who want to develop their Recruitment Marketing skills with mentors like Lane, who help others to grow their careers and confidently lead new strategies. Tip #3 – Weave Recruitment Marketing work into your current role  “There are more and more entry level Recruitment Marketing jobs becoming available,” Lane says. “If your company doesn’t have someone doing Recruitment Marketing yet, this is your opportunity! Start taking on projects to build a case for developing a role like this at your organization. “For instance, if you’re a Recruiter or Recruitment Coordinator, you could ask your manager if you could try addressing and improving a particular candidate experience issue. If you’re in Marketing, you could connect with Talent Acquisition to see if you can help them improve their Careers content strategy.” Lane says being able to show leadership the takeaways from your work could lead to the creation of your dream role – or at the very least it will help you to build up transferable experience that can give you an advantage when applying for a Recruitment Marketing role at another organization. Delaney Rader is a Recruitment Marketing Specialist at Vanguard, where she manages the Careers blog by defining strategy, and sourcing and creating great content. Delaney attended the University of Arizona before joining Vanguard. During her time at the University of Arizona, Delaney worked as a Marketing Assistant for the Campus Recreation Department, while also interning with Vanguard’s Employer Brand & Recruitment Marketing team. Delaney’s top tips: Tip #1 – You might have hidden Recruitment Marketing experience Reflecting back on her pre-Vanguard days, Delaney realizes that she had Recruitment Marketing experience before becoming a Recruitment Marketer. “During college, I was part of a business fraternity,” explains Delaney. “I helped create and distribute flyers to recruit new members every year. I would encourage anyone who’s looking to start a career in Recruitment Marketing to think if they might have experience they could leverage to open a door for themselves.” Tip #2 – Meet the team and pick their brains “If you work for an organization that has a full Recruitment Marketing team or even one person who manages Recruitment Marketing, see if you can meet with them to ask questions and start learning. Put yourself on their radar so they know you’re interested in what they’re doing. Passion goes a long way, and they may think of you for their next opening!” Tip #3 – Develop your skills and get your feet wet where you are “Some of the key skills Recruitment Marketers need can be developed in a ton of ways,” points out Delaney. “Consider how you can improve your communication skills, as well as how you can gain any marketing experience. If you belong to a club or team, could you manage a social feed for them? Could you help with the website or volunteer to organize an event? These are all great skills and solid experience that can add up to help you evolve into an ideal Recruitment Marketing candidate over time.” Ted Nehrbas is a Talent Brand Marketing Specialist with Thomson Reuters. In his current role, Ted executes on a range of strategies to attract talent to the Thomson Reuters brand, including managing all of the company’s careers-focused social media accounts. Prior to working at Thomson Reuters, Ted was a Recruitment Marketing Specialist with SmashFly. His first real foray into Recruitment Marketing was with a startup called Happie as a Recruitment Marketing Intern in 2015. Ted’s top tips: Tip #1 – Recruiters can also become Recruitment Marketers There are many career paths that can lead to Recruitment Marketing. Hands-on recruiting experience is also excellent to have. “During my internship at Happie, I spent time actively recruiting,” explains Ted. “That recruitment experience provided some of the most valuable insights for my later Recruitment Marketing roles. I learned how candidates think, what their pain points are, and how to sell them on my organization. These are all areas that inform my work today too.” Tip #2 – Grow your own brand and social media following “Get on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, and start being active,” suggests Ted. “The skills you learn that take you from 0 to 300 followers are the same types of skills you’ll use in social media marketing for recruitment purposes. “I’d also recommend getting familiar with free tools like Canva [for graphic design], Crowdfire [for social strategy], and stock photo sites like Picjumbo and Stockvault. These tools will help you produce content marketing assets, like blogs and social posts, which are becoming increasingly valuable for Recruitment Marketing strategy. Content marketing attracts candidates and communicates why they should consider joining your company.” Tip #3 – Remember your own candidate experience when applying for jobs “Consider the first thing that piqued your interest about a company. Note the things that irritated you about the application. If you start to consciously consider your own candidate experience, you’ll come up with tons of great ideas that you can use to get ahead when interviewing or positioning yourself for Recruitment Marketing roles.” The bottom line is that there are many ways to gain experience and become a Recruitment Marketer! People from just about any professional or academic background can be great in Recruitment Marketing if they dedicate time to developing relevant skills in social media and content marketing, networking with people in the industry and finding a mentor, and developing their personal brand. Lastly, thanks to all of our interviewees for their time and tips! We hope the insight is helpful and we’re excited that you’re considering becoming a Recruitment Marketer. This is an exciting new profession and the more amazing talent we have, the more we can Rally forward and positively impact the Talent Acquisition industry!
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    “人员分析现在可以成为战略性竞争优势”   工业工程师弗雷德里克泰勒在1911年发表了他的报告“ 科学管理”,该报告研究了钢厂工厂工人的流动和行为,从而开始了这一趋势。此后,公司已经部署了数千次参与调查,研究了最高领导者的特征,对留存率和营业额进行了无数次评估,并建立了大量的人力资源数据仓库。所有这些努力都是为了弄清楚“我们能做些什么来让我们的人们获得更多收益?” 那么现在这个域被称为人们的分析,它已经成为一个快速增长的核心业务举措。一项题为“ 高影响力人物分析 ”的研究报告由Deloitte在去年11月由Bersin完成,发现69%的大型组织拥有人员分析团队,并积极构建与人员相关数据的综合存储。 为什么增长和为什么业务势在必行?几个技术和商业因素相互碰撞使这个话题变得如此重要。 首先,组织拥有比以往更多的与人员相关的数据。由于办公生产力工具,员工证章阅读器,脉搏调查,集成的企业资源规划系统和工作中的监控设备的激增,公司拥有大量关于员工的详细数据。 公司现在知道人们与谁交流,他们的地点和旅行时间表,工资,工作经历和培训计划。内置于电子邮件平台中的组织网络分析的新工具可以告诉正在与谁交流的领导者,用于音频和面部识别的新工具识别谁处于压力之下,以及摄像机和热传感器甚至可以确定人们在他们身上花费了多少时间书桌。 可以认为,这些信息大部分都是保密和私密的,但大多数员工并不介意获取这些数据的组织,只要他们知道正在改进他们的工作体验,正如2015年会议委员会的研究所显示的那样,Big数据并不意味着大 哥哥。虽然从5月25日起可执行的欧盟通用数据保护条例标准将会将隐私权和治理责任放在人力资源部门,但雇主正在加紧处理这些数据并小心处理这些数据。 其次,作为获得所有这些数据的结果,公司现在可以学习重要而有力的事情。不仅高管们被迫就多元化,性别薪酬公平和营业额等议题进行报告,而且他们现在还可以使用人员分析来了解生产力,技能差距和长期趋势,这些可能会威胁或创造业务风险。 例如,一个组织发现欺诈和盗窃事件是“具有传染性”,导致同一楼层的其他员工在一定距离内出现类似的不良行为。另一种方法是使用情绪分析软件来衡量组织中的“情绪”,并根据他们的沟通模式来识别具有高风险项目的团队。 许多组织现在都在研究营业额,甚至可以通过监测电子邮件和社交网络行为来预测它,从而使管理人员能够在辞职前指导高绩效员工。组织现在使用分析和人工智能或人工智能来解码职位描述,识别造成偏倚招聘池的单词和短语,并防止性别和种族多样性。制造商使用人员分析来识别可能发生事故的员工,而咨询公司可以预测哪些人可能会因过多的旅行而被烧毁,而汽车公司现在知道为什么某些团队按时完成项目,而其他人则总是迟到。 因此,人工智能进入领域,给予它更多的权力和规模。一个新的基于人工智能的分析工具会向管理人员发送匿名电子邮件,询问简单问题以评估管理技能。通过其精心设计的算法,它为管理人员提供了一套无需赘述的建议,并在短短三个月内将管理效率提高了8%。 据Sierra-Cedar 2017人力资源系统调查显示,对于人力资源部门而言,人员分析现在是公司希望替换或升级人力资源软件的首要原因。 但对于首席执行官,首席财务官和首席运营官来说,这更重要。当一个销售团队落后于其配额实现或者商店的销售数字落后时,为什么领导者不会问“我们可能能够解决的团队中的人员,实践和管理者有什么不同?”或者甚至更大问题是“如果我们想通过收购德国的某家公司来发展我们的业务,文化和组织的影响会是什么?”这些关键的战略问题都可以通过人员分析来解决。 这门学科的历史是战术性的,有点神秘。多年来,工业心理学家领导了这项工作,主要关注员工敬业度和营业额。然而,今天,该行业正在采取新的行动,将其精力重新集中在运营,销售,风险和绩效指标上。技术工具在这里,公司已经有人工智能工程师准备以强大而有预见性的方式分析数据。分析人士表示,这个领域将会持续增长,请记住,对于大多数企业而言,劳动力成本是资产负债表中最大和最可控制的支出。 底线很明显:人们的分析现在可以成为战略竞争优势。专注于这一领域的公司可以出租,淘汰和淘汰竞争对手。   以上由AI自动翻译。 Fredrick Taylor, an industrial engineer, started this trend in 1911 when he published his report Scientific Management, which studied the movement and behaviour of factory workers in steel mills. Since then companies have deployed thousands of engagement surveys, studied the characteristics of top leaders, done countless reviews of retention and turnover, and built massive human resources data warehouses. All in an effort to figure out “what can we do to get more out of our people?” Well now this domain is called people analytics and it has become a fast-growing, core-business initiative. A study, entitled High-Impact People Analytics and completed last November by Bersin by Deloitte, found that 69 per cent of large organisations have a people analytics team and are actively building an integrated store of people-related data. Why the growth and why the business imperative? Several technical and business factors have collided to make this topic so important. Firstly, organisations have more people-related data than ever before. Thanks to the proliferation of office productivity tools, employee badge readers, pulse surveys, integrated enterprise resource planning systems and monitoring devices at work, companies have vast amounts of detailed data about their people. Companies now know who people are communicating with, their location and travel schedules, their salary, job history and training plans. New tools for organisational network analysis, built into email platforms, can tell leaders who is communicating with whom, new tools for audio and facial recognition identify who is under stress, and video cameras and heat sensors can even identify how much time people spend at their desks. It could be argued that much of this information is confidential and private, but most employees don’t mind organisations capturing this data, as long as they know it is being done to improve their work experience, as shown in 2015 Conference Board research, Big Data Doesn’t Mean Big Brother. While European Union General Data Protection Regulation standards, enforceable from May 25, will put the burden of privacy and governance on HR departments, employers are stepping up to this and treating such data with great care. Secondly, as a result of having access to all this data, companies can now learn important and powerful things. Not only are executives being forced to report on topics such as diversity, gender pay equity and turnover, but they can also now use people analytics to understand productivity, skills gaps and long-term trends that might threaten or create risk in their business. One organisation, for example, found incidents of fraud and theft were “contagious”, causing similar bad behaviour among other employees on the same floor within a certain distance. Another is using sentiment analysis software to measure “mood” in the organisation and can identify teams with high-risk projects just from the patterns of their communication. Many organisations now study turnover and can even predict it before it occurs by monitoring email and social network behaviour, enabling managers to coach high performers before they resign. Organisations now use analytics and artificial intelligence or AI to decode job descriptions, identifying words and phrases that create biased recruitment pools and prevent gender and racial diversity. Manufacturers use people analytics to identify workers who are likely to have accidents, while consulting firms can predict who is likely to be burnt out from too much travel and automotive companies now know why certain teams get projects done on time when others are always late. AI is, therefore, entering the domain, giving it even more power and scale. A new AI-based people analytics tool sends anonymous emails to a manager’s peers asking simple questions to assess managerial skills. Through its carefully designed algorithms, it gives managers an unthreatening set of recommendations and has improved managerial effectiveness by 8 per cent in only three months. For human resources departments, people analytics is now the number-one reason companies want to replace or upgrade their HR software, according to the Sierra-Cedar 2017 HR Systems Survey. But for chief executives, chief financial officers and chief operating officers, it’s even more important. When a sales team is behind its quota attainment or a store’s sales numbers fall behind, why wouldn’t a leader ask “what’s different about the people, practices and managers at those teams that we may be able to address?” Or an even bigger question is “if we want to grow our business by acquiring a given company in Germany, what will the cultural and organisational impact be?” These critical strategic questions can all be answered by people analytics. The history of this discipline is tactical and somewhat arcane. For years industrial psychologists led the effort and focused primarily on employee engagement and turnover. Today, however, the industry is taking on a new light, refocusing its energy on operational, sales, risk and performance measures. The technology tools are here and companies have AI engineers ready to analyse the data in a powerful and predictive way. And analysts say this domain will grow for years to come; remember that for most businesses, labour costs are the largest and most controllable expense on the balance sheet. The bottom line is clear: people analytics can now become a strategic competitive advantage. Companies that focus in this area can out-hire, out-manage and out-perform their competitors.
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    人力资源和人工智能:完美协作? --HR & AI : THE PERFECT COLLABORATION? 针对人力资源的技术解决方案变得更加智能,需要雇主采取更具创新性和敏捷性的方法来有效应对几乎不变的变化。埃森哲的新研究表明,企业的成功将取决于人与技术之间的持续合作,以提高效率和创新。   报告指出: 四分之三的组织认为智能技术对于提高竞争力至关重要。 如果企业在AI和人机合作投资水平上效仿顶尖机构,到2022年其总人数将增长10%。 三分之二的英国企业认为,人工智能将在未来三年内实现净工作收益。 超过一半的人认为人机协作对战略至关重要。 自动化和人工智能的好处还没有完全被人力资源所接受。近三分之二的企业只打算有时使用数据收集人才。一致地使用招聘分析提供的见解可能会导致更好的招聘结果,在采购合格的候选人仍然是一个挑战。 AI需要人力资源 如果有效使用,人力资源和人工智能之间的合作将创造一个简化的招聘流程。在招聘中,采取ATS的形式提供: 更“人性”的候选人体验 自动化繁琐的流程可以“人性化”候选人体验。个性化的求职申请 自动更新您在招聘过程中期待的内容和高效的工作申请只是起点。候选人并不期望有一个无技术的招聘流程 - 但他们期望一个人是最终的 聘用方面多样化 AI多样性预计将成为2018年的主要招聘趋势.AI可以帮助改善多样性,但也可以将您的历史偏见解释为候选人选择的标准。对您的筛选标准进行持续监控,并对您的新员工进行分析是人力资源的关键。这不像删除筛选过滤器那样简单。例如,吸引女性进入科技行业,成功的雇主推动积极的榜样,提供职业发展机会,利用网络更多地了解在科技行业工作的女性面临的问题。利用ATS自动完成繁琐的任务,人力资源部门可以快速完成这一任务。 透明的招聘流程 GDPR意味着招聘人员和招聘专业人员在聘用决策和分享在招聘过程中收集的数据时,必须保持透明。还必须获得候选人同意使用自动化流程和机器学习。提供集中式候选人管理系统的ATS将有助于促进这一进程。 建立人才关系 自动化取代了候选人筛选中重复耗时的任务,使人力资源部门能够专注于直接与合格的候选人和员工转介。在入职培训中,您的ATS在强制检查和引用的自动化请求方面具有无可估量的价值,因此HR可为您的新员工开发个性化的入职培训体验。直接接触在工作接受和开始日期之间是至关重要的。 与AI合作 对于雇主在招聘过程中与AI进行合作的方式,以下几点可以帮助: 获取您的数据的所有权。数据不佳会导致质量差的结果。之前人们对雇佣团队的自满情绪的态度与之前的数据有关,但是距离GDPR只有4个月的时间,人力资源部门必须掌握其数据的所有权。首先是通过ATS提供的分析和报告。 具体与你的工作岗位。如果你不了解你的新雇员所需要的关键技能或沟通,你将无法吸引合适的人选。检查在过去一年中收集到的新员工的数据,以评估最成功的员工。考虑大量或关键职位的候选人。 创建一个无偏见的面试过程,并通过招聘软件收集的数据来支持。面试是一项技巧,对于招聘经理来说,并不一定是自然而然的,确认偏见可能会影响您的招聘决策。 与人工智能和利益相关者合作,在您的最终候选人选择,并与所有有关各方分享数据。CIPD指出,在使用招聘分析的情况下,四分之一的企业领导者没有获得这些数据,阻碍了他们做出有效决策的能力。 如果您的招聘流程中有多个领域需要关注,请从一个开始,例如聘请时间。REC负责人警告说,企业在找到“ 具有适当技能填补现有工作的人 ”方面面临困难。减少招聘时间,人力资源部门可以在招聘渠道中保留合格人选的注意力。   根据埃森哲的研究,对人工智能和人机合作的投资可能会在2022年前将业务收入提高三分之一以上。变化是不可避免的,但这意味着转向这种合作,而不是偶尔在招聘中使用数据。   Posted by Kate Smedley 以上由AI自动翻译。  
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    Josh Bersin:2018年人力资源技术:比以往更加智能化 HR Technology for 2018 - More Intelligent than Ever 几乎每一位与我交谈的人力资源供应商都声称拥有基于人工智能(AI)的解决方案,预测分析,聊天机器人或其他形式的算法解决方案,以使HR更好。 正如我所了解的所有这些产品,并开始看到他们的行动,让我给你什么寻找提示。 在招聘市场上,数据确实在推动我们的未来。由于社交网络的无处不在以及数十种智能采购和评估工具,我们的研究表明,人工智能正在创造巨大的价值。在您寻找新的招聘工具(采购,候选人评估,智能聊天机器人和移动招聘平台)时,请供应商向您展示其AI如何工作。询问如何作出决定,以及它可能适用于您的例子。这些供应商远远领先于学习曲线,价值将变得清晰。 在面试管理中,也越来愈多的工具开始提供候选人与面试官的协调沟通,自助服务等,比如优面宝,通过自动化的协调沟通机制安排好候选人的面试时间等。 在学习和发展市场上,现在很多学习管理系统(LMS)平台,学习体验平台和微型学习平台都使用人工智能和算法解决方案来推荐内容,策划内容,并通过最合适的内容来指导学习者学习。这些供应商中的许多都有丰富的经验分析通过内容的最佳路径,正确的时间来查看下一个内容,甚至正确的学习模块来查看您的信心,你的理解的主题。学习活动数据现在可以通过体验API或xAPI(一种记录和跟踪学习过程中点击的所有内容的方式)获得,因此所有这些供应商都变得“聪明”。 在员工敬业度和调查市场,同样的AI波即将到来。一系列供应商的产品开始作为参与和脉搏调查工具,现在提供文本分析,情感分析,词云和员工情绪的智能评估。他们中的一些人可以测量信任网络,并使用组织网络分析来识别网络中的可信任人员,甚至指出可能存在欺诈或不良行为的领域。虽然这些软件都不是完美的,但它比单独阅读每条评论要好,可以让管理者更好地了解他们如何与同行进行对比。 在绩效管理市场中,持续绩效管理软件现在通过查看您在工作中获得的反馈模式,提供活动流,公共和私人评论以及组织网络分析。到时候,这些平台会向管理人员推荐学习和辅导,有些已经这样做了。 在员工自助服务和案例管理方面,平台也变得更加智能。您现在不仅可以在线(或通过您的消息系统)与您的员工系统进行聊天,还可以发送消息(“星期五预订我的休假日”),系统将执行交易。很快,它会向你推荐什么课程,如何放慢和放松以及其他员工福利。 我可以继续下去。市场上大多数人力资源工具都包含“人工智能”和“智能”这两个词,越来越多的人开始工作。 虽然这一切都是积极的,而且肯定会让我们的工作更轻松,但是让我也给你一个警告:AI不是魔法; 它只是高度精炼的统计和数学模型,试图根据大量数据预测和推荐行动。如果你没有足够的数据,AI可能没有那么有用。所以听起来很令人兴奋,我建议你让供应商给你一个真实世界的演示,并尽可能多的参考。 在我看来,AI,预测分析,情感分析,视觉识别和自然语言界面的成熟速度比我们预期的要快得多。所有这些都将影响我们的人力资源技术。只要确保你买的东西确实符合你的需求,并且你所实施的“智能”在你的组织需要的领域是聪明的。  Josh Bersin是德勤咨询(Deloitte Consulting LLP)Bersin™的负责人和创始人。本文件中使用的“Deloitte”是Deloitte LLP的子公司Deloitte Consulting LLP。请参阅www.deloitte.com/us/about,了解我们法律结构的详细说明。根据公共会计规则和条例,某些服务可能无法向证明客户提供。    以上由AI翻译,下面是英文原文: Almost every HR vendor I talk with claims to have artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions, predictive analytics, chatbots or some other form of algorithmic solution to make HR better. As I've learned about all these products and started to see them in action, let me give you tips on what to look for. In the recruitment market, data is really driving our future. Thanks to the ubiquitous nature of social networks and dozens of intelligent sourcing and assessment tools, our research shows, AI is creating significant value. As you search for new recruiting tools (sourcing, candidate assessment, intelligent chatbots and mobile recruiting platforms), ask the vendor to show you how its AI works. Ask to see how decisions are made and for examples of where it might apply to you. These vendors are well ahead of the learning curve, and the value will become clear to you. In the learning and development market, many learning management system (LMS) platforms, learning experience platforms, and micro-learning platforms now use AI and an algorithmic solution to recommend content, curate content and guide learners through the most appropriate content to learn.  Many of these vendors have extensive experience analyzing the best path through content, the right time to view the next content and even the right learning module to view based on your confidence in your understanding of the subject matter. Learning activity data is now available through the Experience API, or xAPI (a way to record and track everything you click on while learning), so all these vendors are becoming "intelligent." In the employee engagement and survey market, the same AI wave is coming. A flurry of vendors whose products started as engagement and pulse survey tools now provide text analytics, sentiment analysis, word clouds and intelligent assessment of employee sentiment. Several of them can measure trust networks and use organizational network analysis to identify trusted people in your network and even point out areas of potential fraud or bad behavior. While none of this software is perfect, it's better than trying to read every comment individually and can certainly give managers a better idea of how they stack up against their peers. In the performance management market, software for continuous performance management now provides activity streams, public and private comments, and organizational network analysis by looking at the patterns of feedback you get on the job. In time, these platforms will recommend learning and coaching to managers, and some do this already. In the area of employee self-service and case management, the platforms are also getting smarter. Not only can you now chat with your employee system online (or through your messaging system), you can send it messages ("Book my vacation day on Friday") and the system will perform a transaction. Soon, it will actually make recommendations to you on what courses to take, how to slow down and relax, and other employee benefits. I could go on and on. It feels like the words "AI" and "intelligent" have been included on most HR tools in the market, and more and more of this is starting to work. While all this is positive and definitely making our work lives easier, let me also give you a warning: AI is not magic; it is simply highly refined statistics and mathematical models that try to predict and recommend action based on a mass amount of data. If you don't have enough data, the AI may not be as useful. So as exciting as it sounds, I recommend you ask the vendor to give you a real-world demo and talk with as many references as you can. There's no question in my mind that AI, predictive analytics, sentiment analytics, visual recognition and natural language interfaces are maturing far faster than we expected. All of this will impact our HR technologies. Just make sure that whatever you buy really fits your needs and that the "intelligence" you implement is intelligent in the areas of need for your organization.  Josh Bersin is principal and founder, Bersin™, Deloitte Consulting LLP.  As used in this document, "Deloitte" means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of our legal structure. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting.