• 中介
    区块链技术将对人力资源产生重大影响! 区块链技术有望改变传统的人力资源实践。 这项技术最简单的解释是它提供了一种安全的方式来实时查看数据。数据区块链技术记录很难改变。 该技术于2009年由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)推广使用,并以此为基础创建了加密货币比特币。该技术的革命性应用促进了网络安全和在线金融交易的进步。 使用安全区块链技术提供的人力资源效率可以提高。普华永道发布的报告解释了区块链技术如何在人力资源中使用。本文介绍了本报告的重点以及该主题的一般视角。 中介(后台功能)将被淘汰 普华永道将后台功能定义为交易的中介功能。这些职能包括核对,提供收据和提供采购订单。去除这些中间商为企业提供了两大好处。 首先,完成交易和其他管理任务所花费的时间大大减少。缩短交易时间可为员工花更多时间花在其他重要业务职能上。人力资源团队可以计划更多的培训课程来提高员工的技能。员工还可以参加更多的会议和外部培训机会以保持最新状态。 其次,它减少了业务开支。人们会认为,取消中介职能会导致失去无数的工作。公司通过合并这些职能并培训这些员工在企业风险管理和财务分析中发挥作用,从而避免了大量的失业。这两个功能对于商业成功至关重要。 招聘流程将更加有效 招聘经理将能够访问潜在员工的数据库。这个数据库将包含这些人的教育,技能,培训和工作场所表现的全面,可靠的记录。这种有用的信息被称为“价值护照”,增加了招聘经理找到合适职位的能力。这也增加了潜在员工展示其最佳技能的能力。 生产力将增加 人们认为更好地匹配人员职位可以提高生产力。这对中小企业(SME)特别有用。这些公司规模较小,往往使招聘人员难以找到最适合的职位。区块链技术通常会帮助人们在最适合他们技能的角色中工作。 跨境支付将变得更加容易 跨州和跨境国家可以使用区块链技术来创建自己的货币。这些货币可以使公司间交易和供应商交易更容易进行。他们使用的系统最终将允许创建的货币转换为实际货币。 跨境验证过程也将变得更加高效。随着智能合约的实施,多重签名系统将成为过去。智能合同允许协议立即得到验证,无需调解员。积分是使用区块链技术构建的智能合同解决方案的一个例子。 此外,有些“全球货币”会让各个国家更容易遵守税法。这些应用需要进一步研究,但值得一提。 欺诈的可能性大大减少 人力资源部门为员工处理大量个人数据。针对这些数据的不安全数字存储系统对于导致身份盗用和欺诈的网络攻击开放。中小企业尤其如此。Blockchain的网络安全应用程序可以缓解这些挑战。它还限制员工访问数据,从而防止内部欺诈的可能性。 每年都会推出提高工作效率的新方法。区块链是最新的数字解决方案之一,可以极大地改善人力资源功能。研究是持续的,但本文提到的一些应用很可能很快成为主流。随时了解最新的更新,以便您可以将其应用于您的组织。   以上由HRTech AI翻译完成,仅供参考。     Blockchain technology is poised to change traditional HR practices. The simplest explanation of this technology is that it provides a secure way to view data in real-time. Data blockchain technology records is difficult to change. The technology was popularized in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto which used it as the foundation for creating the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. This revolutionary application of the technology facilitated advances in cybersecurity and online financial transactions. HR efficiency can be improved using the security blockchain technology provides. A report published by PwC explains how blockchain technology can be used in HR. Highlights from this report, as well as general perspectives on the topic, are presented in this article. Back-Office Functions Will be Eliminated PwC defines back-office functions as the intermediary functions of a transaction. Such functions include reconciliation, providing a receipt, and providing a purchase order. Removing these intermediaries provides 2 main benefits to businesses. Firstly, the time taken to complete transactions, and other administrative tasks, is greatly reduced. Reduced transaction time creates more time for employees to spend on other important business functions. The HR team can plan more training sessions to improve employees’ skills. Employees can also attend more conferences and external training opportunities to keep them current. Secondly, it reduces business expenses. One would think that removing the intermediary functions would result in the loss of countless jobs. Companies are avoiding massive job losses by merging these functions and training these employees to take on roles in enterprise risk management and financial analytics. Both functions are crucial for business success. Hiring Processes Will Be More Effective Hiring managers will be able to access a database of potential employees. This database will contain a comprehensive, trustworthy records of these person’s education, skills, training and workplace performance. Dubbed the “value passport”, this useful information increases a hiring manager’s ability to find the right talent for positions. It also increases the potential employee’s ability to showcase their best skills.   Productivity Will Increase It is felt that better matching people with positions will improve productivity. This will be particularly helpful for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The small size of these companies often makes it difficult for recruiters to find the best matches for positions. Blockchain technology will generally help people work in roles best suited for their skills. Cross-Border Payments Will Become Easier Cross-state and cross-border countries can use block chain technology to create their own currencies. These currencies can make it easier for inter-company and supplier transactions to be performed. The system they use would ultimately allow for the created currency to be converted into real currency. Verification process across borders will also become more efficient. Multi-signature systems will become a thing of the past with the implementation of smart contracts. Smart contracts allow agreements to instantly be validated without the need of a mediator. Credits is an example of a smart contract solution built using blockchain technology. Additionally, a somewhat “global currency” will make it easier to remain compliant with tax laws for various countries. Such applications require further research, but they’re worth mentioning. The Likelihood of Fraud is Greatly Reduced HR handles a wealth of personal data for employees. Unsecure digital storage systems for this data are open for cyber attacks that lead to identity theft and fraud. This is particularly true for SMEs. Blockchain’s cyber security application mitigates against these challenges. It also limits employees’ access to data thereby preventing the likelihood of internal fraud. New approaches to improve workplace efficiency are introduced each year. Blockchain is one of the most recent digital solutions that can greatly improve HR functions. Research is continuous, but it’s highly likely that some of the applications mentioned in this article will soon become mainstream. Keep abreast with the latest updates so that you can apply them in your organization.